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Awareness and knowledge of folate and folic acid: A survey of New Zealand women of child-bearing age (Research New Zealand, March 2011)
Folic acid fortification: Consumers’ attitudes and behaviours (Colmar Brunton, September 2017)
Folic acid fortification: Technical supporting document (Ministry for Primary Industries, October 2019)
Fortification overages of the food supply: Folate (Institute of Environmental Science & Research Ltd, March 2009)
Fortification overages of the food supply: Folate and Iron (Institute of Environmental Science & Research Ltd, September 2005)
Mandatory iodine fortification in New Zealand: Supplement to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2016 report - Monitoring the health impacts of mandatory folic acid and iodine fortification (Ministry for Primary Industries and Ministry of Health, June 2016)
Monitoring voluntary fortification of bread with folic acid (University of Otago, December 2011)
Voluntary Folic Acid Fortification Monitoring and Evaluation Report (Ministry for Primary Industries, February 2018)