This section includes some lists not associated with or endorsed by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). These are provided for your convenience.
ACVM: Listed Data Assessors
List of data assessors competent for the purpose of providing data assessment reports to registrants for use in the submission of applications for registration or variations to registration of trade name products under the ACVM Act.
ACVM register – Veterinary medicines, agricultural chemicals and vertebrate toxic agents
Summary information for registered agricultural compound and veterinary medicine products.
Animal material depots
All animal material depots listed with MPI.
Animal Products Act 1999 – Recognised classes of person [PDF, 174 KB]
Groups of individuals that have been recognised as a class to carry out specified functions and activities.
Animal products country listing (including dairy)
Approved premises and operators for different destination countries.
Approval codes for approved non-dairy maintenance compounds
Lists of all the approval codes for approved non-dairy maintenance compounds, listed in numerical order.
Approved and recognised maintenance compounds – Dairy
Maintenance compounds for dairy operations approved or recognised by MPI. Includes compounds for cleaning, sanitising, and maintenance.
Approved halal organisations [PDF, 198 KB]
Halal organisations approved in New Zealand.
Premises approved for export of halal animal products (excluding dairy)
Premises approved for export of halal dairy products
Halal premises approved in New Zealand.
Approved maintenance compounds – Non-dairy
Maintenance compounds approved for use by processors of meat, seafood, honey, and other non-dairy animal products.
Approved manufacturers of official devices
MPI-approved manufacturers of official devices – including brands, inspection legends, seals, and other devices.
Approved quota compliance programmes
Organisations with a quota compliance programme for dairy products intended for export to designated markets.
Approved veterinary medicine and vertebrate toxic agent manufacturers
Manufacturers of veterinary medicines and vetebrate toxic agents approved under the ACVM Act.
Authorised persons designated to sign MPI dairy export certificates
People authorised to sign certificates for the issuing of official assurances for dairy exports.
Authorised persons designated to sign MPI organic animal product export certificates
People authorised to sign certificates for the issuing of official assurances for organic animal product exports.
List of beekeepers who wish to supply honey for export.
Bivalve molluscan shellfish (BMS) – Depot operators
Depot operators authorised to store bivalve molluscan shellfish for commercial purposes.
Bivalve molluscan shellfish (BMS) – Harvest operators
Operators authorised to harvest bivalve molluscan shellfish for commercial purposes.
Bivalve molluscan shellfish (BMS) – Shellfish growing areas [PDF, 142 KB]
Growing areas classified for harvest of bivalve molluscan shellfish for human consumption.
Bivalve molluscan shellfish (BMS) – Sorting sheds
Sorting sheds authorised to sort bivalve molluscan shellfish for commercial purposes.
Bivalve molluscan shellfish (BMS) – Transport operators
Transporters authorised to transport bivalve molluscan shellfish for commercial purposes.
Bivalve molluscan shellfish (BMS) – Regulated control scheme (RCS) – List of certified samplers [PDF, 352 KB]
Bivalve molluscan shellfish regulated control scheme list of certified samplers.
Consultants for risk management programmes, food control plans, food labels, and ACVM registration
Lists of consultants who work independently of MPI.
Dairy products descriptions and qualifiers [XLS, 285 KB]
Registered product descriptions and qualifiers for e-cert dairy applications.
Dairy specialists and farm dairy assessors
Recognised dairy specialists and farm dairy assessors.
Dairy – Unique location identifiers
Unique identification codes for manufacturing and storage locations or premises within a risk management programme (RMP).
Evaluators – Risk management programmes
Persons recognised to evaluate risk management programmes (RMPs).
Exempt small winemakers
Winemakers exempted from the requirement to register a wine standards management plan.
Export approved premises
Premises approved for animal products intended for export.
Export certificates – Authorised persons designated to sign MPI dairy export certificates
People authorised to issue dairy veterinary export certificates.
Export certificates – Authorised persons designated to sign MPI fish export certificates
People authorised to issue fish export certificates (excluding live animals and genetic material).
Export certificates – Authorised persons designated to sign MPI live animal exports and germplasm certificates
People authorised to issue veterinary export certificates for live animals (excluding live animals certified as food) and germplasm.
Export certificates – Authorised persons designated to sign MPI meat export certificates
People authorised to issue veterinary export certificates (excluding live animals, cats and dogs to Australia, genetic material, and seafood).
Exporters register
All exporters registered to export animal products, including dairy.
Farm dairies – Register of alternative premises and equipment designs [XLS, 68 KB]
Novel technologies and alternative premises and equipment designs that don't meet the requirements of NZCP1, but have been assessed as to be suitable for use in farm dairies.
Fish names – Approved list [PDF, 521 KB]
List of approved scientific, New Zealand common, Māori, and foreign common names of commercial fish species.
Fishing vessels – Limited processing
Fishing vessels whose operation is restricted to washing, scaling, gutting, de-heading, tubing, tailing, chilling, freezing, storage, packing, or transporting fish material or fish product for human consumption.
Fishing vessels (other than processing or freezer vessels) supplying European Union and United Kingdom listed processing premises
All New Zealand fishing vessels (other than processing or freezer vessels) supplying European Union and United Kingdom listed processing premises.
Food Act 2014 – Exempt businesses [PDF, 261 KB]
List of businesses that have been granted exemptions by MPI from operating under a registered food control plan or national programme.
Food Act 2014 – Recognised agencies
Companies and sole traders that are recognised under the Food Act 2014 to perform specialist functions and activities, including verification (auditing) and evaluation.
Food Act 2014 – Recognised persons
Individuals recognised under the Food Act 2014 to perform specialist functions and activities, including verification (auditing) and evaluation.
Food Act 2014 – Recognised classes of person [PDF, 167 KB]
Groups of individuals that have been recognised as a class to carry out specified functions and activities.
Food Act 2014 – Register of businesses operating under food control plans and national programmes
Public register of food control plans and food businesses subject to a national programme.
Food Act 2014 – Register of food importers
Public register of people importing food for the purpose of sale.
Food Act and food labelling consultants [XLSX, 33 KB]
List of people who provide independent consultancy services for the Food Act regimes.
Further (pet food) processors
All further (pet food) processors.
Game estates
All game estates listed under the Animal Products Act 1999.
Hazard database
Hazards listed by food type.
Homekill and recreational catch service providers
List of people who undertake homekill or recreational catch services on behalf of animal owners or recreational hunters and fishers.
All hunters listed with MPI.
Industry associations
Industry associations that can help with developing a risk management programme (RMP) or food control plan (FCP).
Listed data assessors
People listed as competent to provide data assessment reports for applications to register trade name products under the ACVM Act.
Maintenance compounds (non-dairy): Disinfectants acceptable for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) responses
The list is based on information that is voluntarily supplied by chemical manufacturers when they apply for maintenance compound (non-dairy) approval.
Maximum residue levels (MRLs) for agricultural compounds
Information on meeting maximum residue level (MRL) requirements for agricultural compounds in New Zealand.
National Microbiological Database (NMD) – Level 1 Samplers
Level 1 samplers for the National Microbiological Database Programme
National Microbiological Database (NMD) – Level 2 Samplers
Level 2 samplers for the National Microbiological Database Programme
Organic exporters
Details of New Zealand organic exporters.
Organics third party agency register
Details of organics third party agencies.
Pesticide laboratories for plant products – MPI-recognised laboratories
A list of laboratories recognised by MPI as competent to analyse pesticide residues in plant products.
Pesticide MRL database
This database has the maximum residue limits (MRLs) allowed for most pesticides used on our major fruit and vegetable export crops in New Zealand. Exporters can use this database to find out the residue limits in our main markets.
Raw Milk for Sale to Consumers Regulation 2015 – Registered depot operators
List of businesses/people storing Regulated Control Scheme (RCS) raw milk for the purpose of sale.
Raw Milk for Sale to Consumers Regulation 2015 – Registered farm dairy operators
List of businesses/people producing and processing Regulated Control Scheme (RCS) raw milk for the purpose of sale.
Recognised laboratory programme (RLP) laboratories
Laboratories approved to carry out tests associated with live animals, animal material, or animal products.
Recognised verification agencies – Animal products including dairy
Recognised verification agencies for all animal products, including dairy.
Restricted veterinary medicines sellers
Sellers of restricted veterinary medicines (RVMs) must operate under an MPI-approved operating plan.
Registered risk management programmes (RMPs) – Animal products (including-dairy)
RMP register – A list of risk management programmes (RMPs) for all animal products including dairy.
Transport, depots, and export loading – Operators registered under regulated control scheme (RCS)
Transport, depot operators, and export loading facility operators registered under a regulated control scheme.
Verifiers – Animal products
Persons recognised to verify risk management programmes (RMPs) and/or premises operating under a regulated control scheme (RCS).
Wine – Exporters
Exporters registered under the Wine Act 2003 to export non-grape wine and wine not made in New Zealand.
Wine – Recognised verification persons and agencies
Individuals and organisations recognised to manage and supply functions and activities under the Wine Act 2003.
Wine – Recognised laboratories for export analysis
Laboratories recognised by MPI under the Wine Act 2003 for analysing export wines.
Wine standards management plans (WSMPs)
Most winemakers must operate under a WSMP. Those that are exempt are listed separately.