How to submit ETS forms
Upload your forms and supporting information to the ETS online system, Tupu-ake.
Register or deregister post-1989 forest land
Apply to register in the ETS [PDF, 384 KB]
Deregister from the ETS [PDF, 334 KB]
Transfer ETS participation
Tell us about a transfer of ETS responsibilities [PDF, 513 KB]
Tell us about the expiry or termination of a registered forestry right or lease [PDF, 575 KB]
Opt-in to transfer ETS responsibilities [PDF, 322 KB]
Tell us about a change of land ownership by succession [PDF, 442 KB]
Tell us the members of an unincorporated body have changed [PDF, 386 KB]
Add or remove land from your registered forest
Add a carbon accounting area [PDF, 353 KB]
Remove whole carbon accounting areas [PDF, 330 KB]
Remove parts of carbon accounting areas [PDF, 359 KB]
Complete an emissions return
Emissions return (pre-1990 deforestation) [PDF, 368 KB]
Emissions return (succession) [PDF, 428 KB]
Ask for more time to submit an emissions return [PDF, 320 KB]
Field Measurement Approach (FMA)
Ask for more time to collect your forest measurement information [PDF, 316 KB]
Request a permanent waiver [PDF, 272 KB]
Request a temporary waiver [PDF, 250 KB]
You need to request forms to:
- assign forest class
- request sample plot locations.
Request participant-specific forms through Tupu-ake – Forestry ETS online services.
Deforest pre-1990 forest land
Apply for a tree weed exemption [PDF, 516 KB]
Tell us you are deforesting pre-1990 forest land [PDF, 332 KB]
Emissions return (pre-1990 deforestation) [PDF, 368 KB]
Tell us deforestation is complete [PDF, 304 KB]
Apply for an exemption (landholdings less than 50 hectares) [PDF, 821 KB]
Apply for an exemption (Māori land or land with more than 10 owners) [PDF, 296 KB]
Offset pre-1990 forest deforestation
Apply to offset the deforestation of pre-1990 forest land [PDF, 727 KB]
Pre-1990 offsetting notice [PDF, 579 KB]
Temporary damage to post-1989 forest land
Apply to pause carbon accounting when your forest is temporarily damaged [PDF, 478 KB]
Re-establishment notice [PDF, 521 KB]
Carbon recovery notice [PDF, 298 KB]
Offsetting post-1989 forest land
Apply to offset post-1989 forest land [PDF, 1.3 MB]
Post-1989 release criteria notice [PDF, 1.1 MB]
Other forms
Additional properties [PDF, 254 KB]
Applicant contact details [PDF, 249 KB]
Apply for an emissions ruling for forestry [PDF, 305 KB]
Apply to move registered post-1989 forest land from standard to permanent forestry [PDF, 307 KB]
Apply to split carbon accounting areas [PDF, 384 KB]
Appoint a representative [PDF, 446 KB]
Interested party consent [PDF, 290 KB]
Joint applicants consent [PDF, 253 KB]
Person to receive notices [PDF, 318 KB]