No imports of cattle or buffalo
In 2017, the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) suspended the Import Health Standard: Buffalo and Cattle from Australia (bovanic.aus) that allows for the importation of live cattle from Australia. The suspension means that there will be no live cattle imports allowed from Australia until further notice. The suspension will remain in force while MPI reviews current science and the requirements in the standard regarding Mycoplasma bovis. MPI wants to ensure the most appropriate measures are in place to address this risk going forward.
Find out about the Mycoplasma bovis situation
No imports of alpacas and llamas
In 2019, MPI removed approval of the test methods for Q fever. Until a validated test for Q fever in camelids has been approved by MPI, imports of alpacas or llamas into New Zealand are not possible.
Import health standards
keywords: camaniic.gen, camelids, lamoids, ruminants
keywords: bovaniic.aus, bovine, bull, ruminants, live, cow, bubalus bualis
keywords: goaaniic.aus, caprine, ruminants
7 July 2022 – Important information for importers and border updated
keywords: sheaniic.aus
7 July 2022 – Important information for importers and border updated
Code of welfare for transporting animals within NZ
Anyone who is organising or is responsible for animals being transported must be aware of the following codes of welfare and comply with the minimum standards in the codes and the general provisions of the <a href="">Animal Welfare Act 1999.</a>
This code sets out the responsibilities of all persons undertaking the transport of all live animals within New Zealand in all forms of conveyance whether on land, in domestic airspace or New Zealand territorial and inland waters (including shipping to and from the Chatham Islands).
This code applies to all live animals (terrestrial and aquatic) being transported within New Zealand in all forms of conveyance. The code does not apply to the export of animals from New Zealand.