Follow the steps
What you need to know
An overview of importing fertilisers and growing media of plant origin.
Types of fertilisers and growing media
This import process covers fertilisers and growing media of plant origin, including those:
- made from the by-products of processed plant materials, for example oil seed meals (like cottonseed meal, palm kernel meal, and soybean meal), husks, and ground nut shells
- manufactured from plant extracts
- containing microorganisms (such as products used to break down pollutants in the environment).
It also covers:
- soil including mixtures of organic material and mineral components such as silt, mud, sediment, silt, and sludge
- bioremediation products
- microbial fertilisers
- fertilisers of plant origin, like seaweed extracts and foliar sprays
- coco peat (coir or coconut fibre) products for horticultural and agricultural use, including grow slabs, bales, and pots
- processed peat products, including pots, pellets, and plugs
- raw peat from approved countries.
If you're not sure if your product falls under this category, email
Become familiar with everything you might have to do
To successfully import fertilisers and growing media products of plant origin you need to know:
- what country the growing media or fertiliser is coming from
- the product's ingredients
- genus and species details for any microorganisms in your product
- the import health standard (IHS) requirements for your product
- pre-departure inspection and treatment requirements (if any)
- Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVM) requirements
- extra requirements for coco peat
- New Zealand Customs Service requirements
- about using a customs broker
- the relevant fees and charges.
More details are in Step 2 – What you need to do.
Do preliminary research
New Zealand has strict biosecurity rules to prevent the entry and spread of harmful pests and diseases. You'll need to check with MPI and other agencies to see if:
- the product can meet phytosanitary requirements
- the product contains organisms approved for entry into New Zealand
- the product will be subject to duties or tariffs
- a New Zealand Customs Service permit is needed.
Learn more about import procedures on the NZ Customs website
Importing related products
Processes for importing products related to fertiliser and growing media of plant origin are set out elsewhere on this website:
- dried or preserved plant products, including mats and fibres derived from plants
- plant products for use as animal feeds, including oil seed meals
- forest products, covering timber, wood products or wood packaging
To import bulk inorganic fertilisers, see the import health standard Bulk inorganic fertiliser (including guano fertiliser) [PDF, 502 KB]
If your product contains any animal ingredients, find out what other import conditions may apply – email
What you need to do
Check and comply with the import health standard.
Download the import health standard
Biosecurity requirements are detailed in documents called import health standards (IHS). The IHS for fertilisers and growing media of plant origin has details of what you need to do to successfully import your product.
Download the IHS for importing fertilisers and growing media of plant origin [PDF, 357 KB]
Download the IHS for soil, rock, sand, clay and water [PDF, 351 KB]
How to use the IHS document
Read the IHS thoroughly to make sure you can comply with all the requirements.
- Section 1 details the types of products covered by the IHS, general entry requirements and required documents.
- Section 2 breaks down entry requirements by product type. It lists which documents must accompany each product, and phytosanitary and treatment requirements that must be met.
- Appendix 1 has IHS definitions.
Check whether your soil, growing media or fertilisers need treatment
Soil, fertilisers and growing media may carry contaminants like weed seeds or unwanted organisms/insects. Your product may need to be treated and inspected to make sure it is free of contaminants. Treatment and phytosanitary requirements vary depending on the product and its country of origin. Check the relevant section of the IHS to find out what you have to do.
Arrange pre-departure inspections and treatments, if needed
Processed fertilisers, growing media and bioremediation products derived from plants, as well as most soil products must be treated to ensure they're not carrying any viable organisms.
Proof of treatment will need to be shown on a treatment certificate or phytosanitary certificate, as specified in the IHS. Your export agent or supplier will need to arrange pre-departure treatments and inspections as required.
Meet phytosanitary requirements
The IHS will specify if your product needs a phytosanitary certificate, and the specific requirements it must meet. Certificates are issued in the country of origin (the exporting country).
To apply for a certificate, you or your export supplier should contact the relevant National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO) in the country of origin. You can find the NPPO's contact details on the International Plant Protection Convention website.
Search for a contact point on the International Plant Protection Convention website
A phytosanitary certificate is issued once the contact point at the NPPO is satisfied that the requirements of the IHS have been met, along with any additional declarations required.
The original phytosanitary certificate must be included with your consignment.
Products containing microorganisms
You can import growing media or fertilisers containing microorganisms if those microorganisms don't pose a biosecurity risk.
For products containing microorganisms, a permit is required, and a Manufacturers Quality Control Test Declaration needs to be submitted with your permit application.
The Quality Control Test Declaration is a signed document from the goods manufacturer on official letterhead declaring that, on the basis of accredited quality control tests, the levels of microbial contaminants in the goods comply with the levels set by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
More information can be found in the Guidance section of the Permit Application form.
Before applying for an import permit, check that the microorganisms in your product are allowed by searching the scientific names of the microorganisms in the Official New Zealand Pest Register .
You are able to import and get release for organisms as long as:
- the regulatory status is not "Regulated";
- the unwanted status is "No"; and
- the HSNO status is "Not new".
If any of the above conditions are not met, you may not be able to import the product, but for further advice you can contact
Meet ACVM requirements, if needed
If your product makes a claim to act as a fertiliser, it is classed as an agricultural compound under the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVM) Act 1997. ACVM products must be authorised for entry into New Zealand. Usually, this means they must either be:
- registered for use in New Zealand, or
- considered exempt from registration.
Exempt products
In most cases, fertilisers are exempt from ACVM registration. Exempt products are defined in Schedule 2 of the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (Exemptions and Prohibited Substances) Regulations 2011.
If the nature of your product is unclear, you need a class determination letter from MPI confirming your product meets the ACVM exemption. A fee applies, and you'll need to give the letter to MPI border staff when your consignment arrives.
Get your product registered if it's not exempt
Products that don't meet the criteria for exemption must be registered under the ACVM Act before they can be imported.
Check Customs Service requirements
Check with the New Zealand Customs Service (Customs) if:
- you can import the product without restriction
- the product will be subject to duties or tariffs
- a Customs permit is needed.
Import entry process – Customs website
Engage a customs broker, agent or freight forwarder (recommended)
A New Zealand broker, agent or freight forwarder will help you with the arrival part of the process, such as making sure you have all the required documentation, and booking inspections of your consignment. Only registered customs brokers or qualified importers can access some New Zealand Customs Service (Customs) information.
Customs brokers and freight forwarders are usually listed in New Zealand business directories under those headings. Or you can check with the Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Federation for a list of its members.
Apply for an import permit
You'll need to apply for an import permit from MPI if you're importing:
- untreated processed fertilisers, growing media and bioremediation products derived from plant products or their by-products
- products containing microorganisms
- Untreated soil.
Download the Application for Permit to Import for plant derived material, microorganisms associated with plants, soil or water [DOCX, 108 KB]
Ask MPI if you're not sure
If you don't understand the IHS requirements, email
Arrange transitional storage for coco peat products, if needed
MPI approves transitional facilities to hold and manage imported goods that might have a biosecurity risk. If your coco peat products have not been tested or treated as specified in the IHS in the country of origin, they will require a grow-out test on arrival to make sure they don't contain any viable weed seeds. This test will be done by an approved testing provider, such as AsureQuality.
MPI inspectors at the border will help you arrange for your coco peat to go to their transitional facility.
Comply with packaging and labelling requirements
Fertilisers and growing media must be commercially packaged in one of the following:
- new retail packages
- new and clean bags made of polypropylene or double-walled strong paper secured by stitching, stapling or sealing
- strong, clean, plastic sealed packages.
Each package in your consignment must be clearly labelled on the outside, with a full description of its contents.
Prepare documents before your consignment arrives
You or your customs broker need to make sure you have all the necessary documents before your goods arrive in New Zealand.
Documents you may need to supply include:
- a phytosanitary certificate
- a treatment certificate
- a manufacturer's certificate
- a purchase invoice
- the Bill of Lading.
Comply with on-arrival inspections
An MPI inspector may check your documentation and the consignment when it arrives in New Zealand to make sure it complies with the IHS. The inspector will check that the consignment is:
- as described
- correctly labelled and packaged
- free from contaminants like soil, disease, and pests (both products and packaging).
If your consignment doesn't comply on arrival
If pests or contaminants (like seeds, soil or insects) are found in a container or your product, the MPI inspector will explain your options.
Depending on the type of contaminant, you may choose to:
- identify the organism, and treat if it's a restricted pest
- have the container or consignment treated by an approved provider
- return the product to its country of origin
- destroy the product.
MPI-approved pest identification services [PDF, 418 KB]
Arrange treatments or testing, if needed
If your product or packaging has to be treated when it arrives in New Zealand, this must be done by an approved treatment provider.
You are liable for any cost associated with non-compliance or contamination.
Approved treatment providers [PDF, 223 KB]
Approved biosecurity treatments [PDF, 1.1 MB]
Getting your import documentation
How to know you've met MPI requirements
Your BACC will confirm clearance
After you have completed all the relevant tasks for your product in Step 2, you'll be issued with a Biosecurity Authority Clearance Certificate (BACC), confirming the consignment has been given a biosecurity clearance.
Who to contact
If you have any questions about importing fertiliser and growing media of plant origin products of plant origin, email