OIA requests
The Government has received requests for the information it held about our response. This page contains the government's response to these requests. This response contains information from all relevant government agencies.
- Download the list of documents being released [PDF, 558 KB]
- Download the introductory information [PDF, 538 KB]
We are releasing a large number of documents in response to these OIA requests. We’ve broken the file into 6 smaller parts for ease of downloading.
- Operation Concord OIA response: ODESC briefing–BR/14/63 [PDF, 3.4 MB]
- Operation Concord OIA response: AM14-288–ODESC Memo [PDF, 7.4 MB]
- Operation Concord OIA response: B14-303–AM14-326 [PDF, 6.5 MB]
- Operation Concord OIA response: Sub14-030–AM14-334 [PDF, 4.7 MB]
- Operation Concord OIA response: AM14-348–B14-426 [PDF, 5.2 MB]
- Operation Concord OIA response: Health AM 2 March– AM14-434 [PDF, 4.6 MB]
- Operation Concord OIA response: AM14-437–'Meeting to inform manufacturers…' [PDF, 5 MB]
- Operation Concord OIA response: 'Informing stakeholders…'–'Communications plan…' [PDF, 4.6 MB]
- Operation Concord OIA response: 'Required actions…'–'Op Concord – risk assessment…' [PDF, 5.3 MB]
The government put the wellbeing of people and their babies as the priority in its response to the blackmail threat.
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Who to contact
If you have questions about this Official Information Act response, email info@mpi.govt.nz