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Importer declaration for seed imports
ACVM 28 Operating Plan Template for Sellers of Restricted Veterinary Medicines
Master's Declaration
Master's Declaration
Sustainable Farming Fund Extension Framework
Sustainable Farming Fund contract
AP48 Registration of a farm dairy operator or depot operator for the production and processing or storage of raw milk for sale to consumers
FA12 - Exemption from the requirement to operate under a food control plan or national programme under Food Act 2014 application
Animal Status Declaration
Post-entry quarantine for plants - MPI example operating manual
Post-entry quarantine for plants - MPI example operating manual
MPI Multi-use New Approvals Unregistered ACVM Application - template
Food safety variance record
ACVM 23 Adverse Event Report: Agricultural Chemicals
ACVM 24 Adverse Event Report: Vertebrate Toxic Agents
ACVM 25 Adverse Event Report: Veterinary Medicines