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Approved Providers for Primary Industry Advisory Services - Application Guidelines
Aquaculture legislative reforms 2011 Guidance note 1 - Aquaculture planning and consent
Aquaculture legislative reforms 2011 Guidance note 2 - Managing demand on the coastal marine area
Aquaculture legislative reforms 2011 Guidance note 3 - Aquaculture regulation-making power
Aquaculture legislative reforms 2011 Guidance note 4 - Re-consenting Aquaculture
Aquaculture legislative reforms 2011 Guidance overview - An overview
Aquaculture legislative reforms 2011 Technical Guidance note 5 - Mechanisms for managing allocation of coastal space
Aquaculture Planning Fund - Applicant Guidelines
Aquaculture Planning Fund Framework
Audit Standard - What has changed?
B1 & B2: Register of Veterinary Medicines and Other Chemicals
B3: Chemical/Ag compound use on farm (including herbicides, pesticides, agricultural compounds, effluent, fertiliser and lime)
B4: Plant & Silo Hygiene Checks
B5: Rubberware replacement
B6: Scheduled activities