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Forests (Regulation of Log Traders and Forestry Advisers) Regulations 2022 – Cabinet paper
Amendments to the Fisheries (Amateur Fishing) Regulations 2013 for hāpukubass – Cabinet paper
Commodity Levies (Eggs) Order 2022 – Cabinet paper
Reform of our Joint Food Standards Setting System with Australia – Cabinet paper
Customs Export Prohibition (Green-lipped Mussel Spat) Order 2022 – Cabinet paper
Next steps on the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme’s permanent forest category – Cabinet paper
New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: Approval to consult on initial changes to cost recovery settings for forestry – Cabinet paper
Amendments to Animal Products Regulations to Manage Salmonella Enteritidis in Commercial Chicken Flocks – Cabinet paper
Proposal for delegated authority to determine further changes under Regulatory Redesign – Cabinet paper
Biosecurity (National PA Pest Management Plan) Order 2022 – Approval for Submission to Executive Council – Cabinet paper
Proposal for a framework to manage Salmonella Enteritidis in New Zealand’s commercial chicken producers and primary processors – Cabinet paper
Dairy Industry Restructuring (Fonterra Capital Restructuring) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction and Associated Increase in Appropriation – Cabinet paper
New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: Approval to consult on initial changes to cost recovery settings for forestry – Cabinet paper
Fisheries (Electronic Monitoring on Vessel) Amendment Regulations 2022 – Cabinet paper
Agriculture initiatives for inclusion in the final Emissions Reduction Plan – Cabinet paper
Government Response to the Future of Commercial Fishing report – Cabinet paper