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Final policy decisions on operating requirements for registration of log traders and forestry advisers – Cabinet paper
Release of Discussion Document – Dairy export quota: Review of allocation – Cabinet paper
Consultation on proposed operating requirements for log traders and forestry advisers – Cabinet paper
Further fisheries measures to protect South Island Hector's dolphins: Final advice and next steps – Cabinet paper
Ministry for Primary Industries’ 2023 Annual Cost Recovery Update approval to consult – Cabinet paper
On-board cameras across the inshore fishing fleet – release of consultation document – Cabinet paper
Administration of the transitional United Kingdom apple export quota – Cabinet paper
Climate Change Response (Late Payment Penalties and Industrial Allocation) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction – Cabinet paper
Tranche One changes to cost recovery settings in the forestry component of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme – Cabinet paper
Biosecurity (Border Processing Levy) Amendment Order 2021 – Cabinet paper
Programmes and initiatives to manage forestry slash (AM23-0087) - Cabinet paper
Further Protection of South Island Hector’s Dolphins : Fisheries Measures – Cabinet paper
Fisheries Amendment Bill 2022: Approval for introduction - Cabinet paper
Fisheries Amendment Bill 2022: Approval for introduction - Departmental Disclosure Statement
Fisheries (Amateur Fishing) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2022 – Cabinet paper
Emissions Reduction Plan: Proposals to manage afforestation – Cabinet paper