Processing supplier invoices
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) approves and processes invoices electronically. We require purchase orders on most invoices.
Our supplier information sheet will:
- help you understand which purchases require a purchase order
- tell you what you need to do for your invoices to be paid in a timely manner.
Supplier information sheet – Invoice requirements [PDF, 161 KB]
New suppliers
We need you to complete this form if you're a new supplier to MPI.
New supplier details form [PDF, 272 KB]
Standard terms and conditions
MPI purchases goods and services subject to standard terms and conditions unless we agree otherwise.
Download MPI's standard terms and conditions of purchase [PDF, 204 KB]
When MPI contracts with suppliers, there are specific policies that must be complied with during the tenure of the contract, including:
- New Zealand Government supplier code of conduct [PDF, 37 KB]
- Helicopter safety policy for all activities in which helicopters are used for MPI work [PDF, 343 KB]
Additional relevant policies are released with tender packages via the New Zealand Government Electronic Tenders Service (GETS) and outlined within agreement terms and conditions.
GETS – New Zealand Government Electronic Tenders Service
Conflict of interest
A conflict of interest is when someone is, or could be seen to be, compromised when their personal interests or obligations conflict with the responsibilities of their job or position.
Conflict of interest – Office of the Auditor-General
Public sector organisations have processes in place to declare and manage the conflicts of interest of their employees. Knowing that private sector suppliers are also declaring and managing any potential or actual conflicts of interest when delivering goods or services is vital to the ongoing effectiveness of open and transparent government.
For MPI, suppliers are required to notify us of any actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest and how they will be managed when:
- responding to tenders
- completing a new supplier form
- negotiating a contract
- new actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest arise during the term of a contract.
We've developed a document to help MPI suppliers, subcontractors and involved third parties. It provides a management approach to allow them to manage conflicts of interest that may occur during the course of delivering goods or services to MPI.
Management approach for supply market related conflicts of interest [PDF, 243 KB]
Data privacy and security
Security of data, data transfers, and personal and confidential information is important to MPI.
We protect the information individuals give us to use. We also make sure the people and organisations we work with (including subcontractors) have protections in place for any personal, sensitive, or confidential information they collect, hold, or process on our behalf.
When services involve data collection, management, and transfer, suppliers must show their organisation can meet our data privacy and security requirements.
MPI data privacy and security questionnaire [PDF, 252 KB]
Broader outcomes
Government agencies are required to consider how broader outcomes can be incorporated in their procurement activities to achieve greater public value. Broader outcomes are the secondary benefits that are generated by the way a good, service, or works is produced or delivered.
Broader outcomes – NZ Government Procurement
While MPI will consider all broader outcomes for each procurement, we have identified the following 3 broader outcome focus areas for MPI procurement, investments, and grants:
- increasing engagement with Māori businesses, including meeting the Government target of 5% of contracts (including grants that include a deliverable for a good or service) awarded to Māori businesses
- increasing supplier health and safety capability
- reducing carbon emissions.
Health and safety
When tendering for MPI work
MPI gives consideration to the health and safety aspects of any work it intends to engage a contractor to carry out. This includes ensuring that the businesses it engages have appropriate processes in place to mitigate and manage the health and safety risks associated with the work they have been engaged to do.
MPI therefore requires suppliers to complete the MPI health and safety supplier assessment questionnaire when bidding for work. This is to enable MPI to gain an understanding of a business’s organisational health and safety system, and health and safety performance.
MPI health and safety supplier assessment questionnaire [PDF, 1.5 MB]
Fixed wing aircraft health and safety prequalification process – for direct procurement only
To provide directly procured fixed wing aircraft services to MPI, suppliers must be on MPI's register of approved fixed wing operators. To be assessed for inclusion on this register, the supplier needs to complete the health and safety prequalification process for fixed wing aircraft operators. MPI will assess the questionnaire and advise the supplier of the outcome.
Health and safety prequalification process for fixed wing aircraft operators [DOCX, 74 KB]
The supplier does not need to complete the MPI health and safety supplier assessment questionnaire in these situations.
Helicopter health and safety prequalification process – for direct procurement only
To provide directly procured helicopter services to MPI, suppliers must be on MPI's register of approved helicopter operators. To be assessed for inclusion on this register, the supplier needs to complete the health and safety prequalification process for helicopter services. MPI will assess the questionnaire and advise the supplier of the outcome.
Health and safety prequalification process for helicopter services [DOCX, 77 KB]
The supplier does not need to complete the MPI health and safety supplier assessment questionnaire in these situations.
When contracting to MPI
The following principles apply to all MPI contracts and conditional grants.
1. We expect that all contracts and conditional grants include:
- assessment of the critical risks to health and safety within the work, and
- confirmation that those critical risks are managed with critical controls that are comparable to MPI’s Critical Controls for Health and Safety Critical Risks [PDF, 1.2 MB].
2. We expect that all contractors and funded parties will provide regular, ongoing assurance to MPI on how they are managing critical risks to health and safety.
3. We expect that all lead contractors that subcontract MPI work will:
- seek assurance from all parts and levels of their subcontracting chain that critical risks to health and safety are managed with critical controls that are comparable to MPI’s Critical Controls for Health and Safety Critical Risks [PDF, 1.2 MB]
- provide regular, ongoing assurance to MPI of this, and
- regularly and formally audit health and safety critical risk management in their subcontracting chain and provide evidence and outcomes of these audits to MPI.
Where we can, MPI will assist suppliers/contractors who do not meet our minimum health and safety expectations and standards to improve their health and safety capability (refer to the information on this page under the heading 'broader outcomes').
Suppliers are required to demonstrate their organisation's ability to meet our health and safety requirements.
Who to contact
If you have questions, email