'Ask Reg' for all the details
Ask Reg is an online tool to help you find all the requirements for your animal or activity.
Selecting an animal or activity (such as dairy cattle or transporting) in Ask Reg will provide you with applicable:
- regulations
- guidance on those regulations
- minimum standards and recommended best practices from across the codes of welfare
Introduction to the code of welfare for temporary housing of companion animals
This code applies to all companion animals in temporary housing facilities, including (but not limited to):
- boarding establishments
- animal welfare centres and pounds
- quarantine/isolation facilities
- pet shops.
Anyone who is in charge of companion animals in temporary housing facilities needs to be aware of any relevant codes of welfare. They must comply with the minimum standards in the codes and the general provisions of the Animal Welfare Act 1999.
Download the Code of Welfare: Temporary Housing of Companion Animals (2018) [PDF, 409 KB]