NAWAC's role
Codes of welfare are developed by the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC), not MPI.
The Animal Welfare Act sets out the requirements NAWAC must follow when developing a code of welfare.
Read Part 5 of the Animal Welfare Act on the NZ Legislation website
Animal sentience
The National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) acknowledges the explicit recognition of animal sentience within the Animal Welfare Act in 2015. Sentience is the ability to perceive or feel things. The understanding that animals are sentient has always been integral to NAWAC's development of the codes of welfare and the minimum standards contained within them.
With sentience now explicitly recognised within the Act, NAWAC will continue to integrate the concept of animal sentience into future codes and standards as they are developed and reviewed.
Five steps
There are 5 steps for developing a code of welfare.