Own-use exemption
You are allowed to use generic chemicals (products not marketed as veterinary medicines) to treat your own animals. You must comply with fit for purpose requirements stated under regulation 7 of the ACVM (Exemptions and Prohibited Substances) Regulations 2011. In particular, you must manage any risks to animal welfare and make sure residues aren't in animal produce you sell for human or animal consumption.
Advice for dairy farmers on magnesium products:
Magnesium supplementation in dairy cows [PDF, 198 KB]
When the exemption doesn't apply
The own-use exemption doesn't apply if:
- you give or sell your own use preparation to others
- you're doing research to get data for product registration – in this case, you need a provisional registration or a research approval.
Find out about provisional registration or research approval (a special circumstances approval):
The following chemicals aren't exempt unless you have an operating plan approved by MPI:
- active ingredients that are prescription or restricted medicines (defined in the Medicines Act 1981 – NZ Legislation )
- antibiotic active ingredients
- hormones
- prohibited substances
- vertebrate toxic agents