More than one calicivirus
There are several strains of rabbit calicivirus (also known as Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV)) in New Zealand:
- RHDV1 is widespread.
- RHDV1 K5 was introduced here in March 2018 (to control wild rabbits).
- RHDV2 was detected in wild rabbit samples collected in 2017.
RHDV strains only affect rabbits and the European hare (RHDV2), they don't present a danger to cats, dogs, or any other type of animal.
Find out about RHDV in wild rabbits
Talk to your vet about vaccination
We advise you to talk to your vet about vaccination to ensure your rabbits have the best protection available.
The Cylap RCD Vaccine has been used in New Zealand for many years to protect domestic rabbits from RHDV1. This vaccine can also be used to protect pet rabbits against the RHDV1 K5.
It's recommended you vaccinate rabbits with the Cylap RCD Vaccine at 10 to 12 weeks of age, with an annual booster vaccination to keep them protected. Talk to your vet for more information.
RHDV2 vaccine available
If you'd like to vaccinate your rabbit, check if your vet has the vaccine available.
As at June 2019, the Filavac vaccine is only available from veterinarians.
If you have questions about the cost of the vaccine, talk to your veterinarian. They determine the end costs for the vaccine.
The New Zealand Veterinary Association recommends that if Filovac is available from your veterinarian, it should be used to protect against all 3 strains of RHDV in New Zealand.
How vets can order the RHDV2 vaccine
Vets can place orders for the RHDV2 vaccine with AsureQuality.
Filavac VHD K C+V Vaccine Order Form – AsureQuality Ltd [PDF, 263 KB]
AsureQuality's freephone number is 0508 00 11 22
How it spreads
Rabbits get the virus:
- from direct contact with other rabbits – through their eyes, nose, and mouth
- from flies, fleas, and possibly some mosquitos, which can carry the virus.
Urine, faeces, and respiratory secretions may also shed the virus.
Steps to minimise the virus risk
To minimise the risk to your rabbits:
- keep them separate from wild rabbits
- wash your hands between handling rabbits
- control insects around pet rabbits as they can spread the virus between them
- avoid cutting grass and feeding it to pet rabbits
- thoroughly clean and disinfect cages and equipment.
Find out more
- RHDV2 information sent to pet rabbit owners and interest groups – 17 July 2018 [PDF, 363 KB]
- RHDV2 update for veterinarians – 19 July 2018 [PDF, 196 KB]
- RHDV2 rabbit calicivirus information – 26 June 2018 [PDF, 496 KB]
- RHDV2 information sent to pet rabbit owners and interest groups – 14 June 2018 [PDF, 291 KB]
- RHDV2 update for veterinarians – 14 June 2018 [PDF, 183 KB]
- RHDV2 update for veterinarians – 25 May 2018 [PDF, 287 KB]
- RHDV1 K5 information – February 2018 [PDF, 126 KB]
Who to contact
If you have questions about RHDV:
- call MPI on 0800 00 83 33
- email