Salvinia and water hyacinth smother water surfaces
Salvinia and water hyacinth quickly grow very thick, floating mats. You should not plant them in a pond or aquarium.
They cause problems because:
- they out-compete and smother any other aquatic plants, including natives, and soon you cannot even see the water
- their growth reduces water quality and makes it harder for other plants and creatures to live
- if they get into a drain or waterway, they block water flow, which can cause flooding and disrupt irrigation and hydroelectric power stations.
Help get rid of salvinia and water hyacinth
Water hyacinth and salvinia are not native to New Zealand. They are highly invasive and under the law, they have been classed as unwanted and notifiable organisms. They cannot legally be grown, shared, displayed, or sold in New Zealand.
To help us ensure these weeds don’t spread further:
- don't grow them
- don't share these plants with others
- discourage others from growing them.
If you have or if you see salvinia or water hyacinth plants, let Biosecurity New Zealand know so we can dispose of them safely. Freephone 0800 80 99 66 – we'd appreciate your help and there's no cost to you.
Find all unwanted and notifiable organisms – Official New Zealand Pest Register
Images to help identify salvinia and water hyacinth plants

Find out more
Water hyacinth fact sheet [PDF, 1 MB]
National Interest Pest Responses programme