Preparing to respond to threats to bees
There are many pests and diseases that affect bees which aren't in New Zealand. We want to keep it that way.
One of our country's best defenses is readiness – preparing for a biosecurity threat. Several suspected outbreaks of exotic pests and disease are investigated in New Zealand each year. Being ready will put us in a much better position to protect our primary industries if a suspected outbreak turns out to be real.
Train and plan for bee pests and diseases
Beekeepers should know how to identify bee pests and diseases. You should also know how to prevent and control them. How we manage pests and diseases changes often. Do regular training to keep up with what's new.
Make a plan so you know what to do if you find a pest or disease in your apiary.
Download the bee biosecurity visual ID guide [PDF, 1.6 MB]
Do regular bee pest and disease inspection and control
Check your bees, brood, and hive material regularly for pests and diseases. Infected hives are less productive and threaten other colonies. Finding problems early means you can control them faster and they will spread less.
Report anything unusual and keep samples
Some bee pests and diseases are already in New Zealand. The ones we are trying to keep out are called exotic pests and diseases.
If you suspect an exotic bee pest or disease, or experience large-scale hive losses, report it immediately to the pest and disease hotline – 0800 80 99 66.