What you need to know
An overview of importing cats and dogs from start to finish.
15 August 2024
In response to the current workload and to ensure that we can handle each request with the thorough attention it requires, we have decided to adjust our animal import permit application processing time.
Effective from 15 August 2024, we will be extending our permit processing time from 20 to 30 working days. The 30 working days begins once all documentation and information provided is correct. We suggest you allow at least eight weeks for the entire permit process, ensuring that all requirements are met and avoiding any potential delays.
Permit applications already in the queue prior to 15 August 2024 will be issued within the original 20 working days (provided all the documentation and information is correct).
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we implement this change. Contact us through animal.imports@mpi.govt.nz if you have any questions.
3 October 2022
The 10 day extension for tests and treatments is being applied to all import permits. This means for example, that a test required in the 16 days prior to shipment can be done in the 26 days prior to shipment. The veterinary examination must still be completed in the 2 days prior to shipment.
Any further requests must be made to animal.imports@mpi.govt.nz
Resources To Help You
We've developed resources to help you bring your cat or dog to New Zealand. The resource you use will depend on:
- if you're importing a cat or a dog
- what country you're importing it from.
There are 3 categories of countries or territories you can import cats and dogs from:
- Category 1: Australia (including Norfolk Island)
- Category 2: Rabies-free
- Category 3: Rabies-absent or well controlled
You can find out what countries or territories are in categories 2 and 3 in section 5.3 (Approved exporting countries) of the import health standard (IHS) guidance document.
IHS guidance document [PDF, 521 KB]
Cats and dogs: Import Health Standard [PDF, 287 KB]
Support documents
When you know what category your pet is in, you can use the right support document.
For cats from:
- Australia, including Norfolk Island (category 1) [PDF, 1.4 MB]
- rabies-free countries or territories (category 2) [PDF, 915 KB]
- countries or territories where rabies is absent or well-controlled (category 3) [PDF, 1 MB]
For dogs from:
- Australia, including Norfolk Island (category 1) [PDF, 1.4 MB]
- rabies-free countries or territories (category 2) [PDF, 807 KB]
- countries or territories where rabies is absent or well controlled (category 3) [PDF, 1.6 MB]
- Assistance Dog Support document [PDF, 2.1 MB]
For cats and dogs arriving on a vessel:
- cats and dogs on yachts support document plus checklist [PDF, 2.3 MB]
Each document has a checklist to help ensure your cat or dog has met the import requirements. You should also refer to the import health standard and guidance document
Cats and dogs: Import Health Standard [PDF, 287 KB]
Cats and dogs: Import health standard guidance document [PDF, 521 KB]
Summary of requirements
To successfully import your cat or dog you need to:
- read the import health standard (IHS), guidance document and checklists for cats and dogs
- check that your cat or dog is eligible for import into New Zealand – refer to the guidance document
- ensure your dog isn't a prohibited breed or type
- note the restrictions around hybrids
- use a pet transporter (recommended)
- book an MPI-approved quarantine facility (if required)
- apply for a permit to import from MPI a minimum of 30 working days in advance of the date you require the permit (all cats and dogs except from Australia)
- ensure all the import requirements have been met
- notify an official veterinarian in New Zealand if you're importing:
- a cat or dog from Australia
- an assistance dog (from an approved country) that has met MPI's assistance dog eligibility criteria
- check inspection times for biosecurity clearance for cats and dogs from Australia, and assistance dogs from countries of any category
- declare any medication your animal is taking.
More details about the requirements are in Step 2: What you need to do
Prohibited dog breeds or types
The Dog Control Act 1996 prohibits the import into New Zealand of any dog that belongs entirely or predominantly to one or more of these breeds or types of dogs:
Prohibited breeds:
- Brazilian Fila
- Dogo Argentino
- Japanese Tosa
- Perro de Presa Canario.
Prohibited type:
- American Pit Bull Terrier
No hybrids (offspring of dogs or cats crossed with another species) are eligible for importation, with the exception of Bengal cats. Documentation showing 5 generations of domestic ancestry must be provided for Bengal cats.
Related import processes
Import processes related to cats and dogs are elsewhere on the website. Refer to importing:
- an assistance or guide dog
- pets like chinchillas, rabbits, or guinea pigs
- ornamental fish or other marine invertebrates
- horses.
We also have information for:
What you need to do
The tasks you need to complete.
Quick links:
- The import health standard and guidance document
- Eligibility criteria
- Quarantine
- Permits
- Notifying MPI before arrival
Read the import health standard and guidance document
The import health standard (IHS) for cats and dogs has all of the requirements you need to meet to import your animal.
Download the IHS for cats and dogs [PDF, 287 KB]
A guidance document is also available, with advice and extra information about importing your cat or dog. Refer to it to make sure you understand and can meet all of the requirements in the IHS. The guidance document has the list of approved countries where your cat and dog can be imported from.
Download the guidance document for cats and dogs [PDF, 521 KB]
The guidance document also has model veterinary certificates that will need to be completed for your cat or dog. These certificates tell you the tests, treatments, and examinations your cat or dog needs to have before coming to New Zealand. You can download model certificates to complete from:
Make a canine influenza declaration, if required
Since 2018, the IHS and model veterinary certificates for cats and dogs include the following measure for canine influenza.
For at least 21 days prior to shipment:
- the cat or dog was not kept in a place where there were cats or dogs showing clinical signs of infectious respiratory disease
- the cat or dog showed no clinical signs of infectious respiratory disease.
If your veterinary certificate does not yet include the canine influenza clause
If the veterinary certificate from the exporting country (where your cat or dog is being shipped from) does not yet include the canine influenza clause:
- complete the declaration form below before shipping your cat or dog
- send your completed form at least 72 hours prior to arrival in New Zealand to one of the email addresses below.
Download and complete this declaration [DOCX, 14 KB]
Where to email your declaration
For cats and dogs from Australia: ozdogsandcats@mpi.govt.nz
For cats and dogs from all other approved countries:
- staying at an Auckland quarantine facility (Auckland Quarantine/Pethaven/Qualified Pet Services): liveanimalsauckland@mpi.govt.nz
- staying at Canterbury Quarantine Services: liveanimalschristchurch@mpi.govt.nz
Remember, cats and dogs must be cleared for entry into New Zealand (Australian cats or dogs only) or transferred to a quarantine facility (all other countries) from either Auckland or Christchurch airports.
Check whether your cat or dog is eligible to come to New Zealand
Cats and dogs can be imported only from approved countries. The guidance document lists the approved countries, which are categorised 1 to 3 according to their rabies status. If your pet's country is not on the list, then you can't import the pet.
Other restrictions apply to some dog breeds and types, hybrids, an animal's age, and its state of pregnancy.
Download the guidance document to see the list of approved countries [PDF, 521 KB]
Prohibited dog breeds or types
The Dog Control Act 1996 prohibits the import into New Zealand of any dog that belongs entirely or predominantly to one or more of these breeds or types of dogs:
Prohibited breeds:
- Brazilian Fila
- Dogo Argentino
- Japanese Tosa
- Perro de Presa Canario.
Prohibited type:
- American Pit Bull Terrier
No hybrids (offspring of dogs or cats crossed with another species) are eligible for importation, with the exception of Bengal cats. Documentation showing 5 generations of domestic ancestry must be provided for Bengal cats.
Minimum age and pregnancy restrictions
Cats and dogs need to meet the minimum age specified on the applicable model veterinary certificate in the IHS and not be more than 42 days pregnant on the date of shipment.
Ensure your pet meets residency requirements
Cats and dogs, except from Australia, must reside in the country of export for at least 6 months (or since birth) immediately before the shipment date.
Cats and dogs of New Zealand origin that are returning from the country of export may be given exemption from the residency requirement if:
- the pet has resided continuously in the country or territory of export since being imported directly from New Zealand
- it was identified by a microchip before export from New Zealand
- you can supply a copy of the New Zealand export certificate
- your pet was resident in a country where rabies is absent or well controlled (a category 3 country), it was vaccinated against rabies at least 1 month and not more than 6 months before leaving New Zealand when it was at least 3 months of age, and it had a rabies titre test no more than 18 months before leaving New Zealand with a result of at least 0.5 IU/ml.
We've developed guides for cats and dogs from category 1, 2, or 3 countries or territories. These include a checklist to help you ensure your cat or dog has met the requirements.
When you know what category your pet is in, you can use the right support document.
For cats from:
- Australia, including Norfolk Island (category 1) [PDF, 1.4 MB]
- rabies-free countries or territories (category 2) [PDF, 915 KB]
- countries or territories where rabies is absent or well-controlled (category 3) [PDF, 1 MB]
For dogs from:
- Australia, including Norfolk Island (category 1) [PDF, 1.4 MB]
- rabies-free countries or territories (category 2) [PDF, 807 KB]
- countries or territories where rabies is absent or well controlled (category 3) [PDF, 1.6 MB]
Each document has a checklist to help ensure your cat or dog has met the import requirements. You should also refer to the import health standard and guidance document
Cats and dogs: Import Health Standard [PDF, 287 KB]
Cats and dogs: Import health standard guidance document [PDF, 521 KB]
Consider using a pet exporter
MPI recommends you contact a professional pet exporter in your pet's country to help arrange tests, treatments, flights, permits to import, shipping crates, and other requirements.
Some airlines require a pet exporter to book flights for animals because this adds assurance that all requirements will be completed at the appropriate time before departure.
Book an MPI-approved quarantine facility
All cats and dogs except those from Australia are required to have a minimum of 10 days quarantine at an MPI-approved quarantine facility. A booking confirmation letter needs to accompany your application for a permit to import.
Find approved quarantine facilities in New Zealand for cats and dogs
We've got information on what to expect from the quarantine facility, what you should know, and what to plan for.
Apply for a permit to import
MPI recommends you apply for the import permit at least six weeks prior to travel. We need at least 30 working days to process your permit application. The 30 working days begins once all documentation and information supplied is correct.
You can apply for an import permit through our online permit application system:
Animal and plant import permits (APIPS)
Declare pet medication, if needed
You need to provide details if your cat or dog is receiving any medication and needs it during travel.
Download the declaration of medicines form [DOCX, 296 KB]
A copy of the veterinarian's prescription must be provided to MPI before or when your pet arrives in New Zealand. If the veterinary medicine is travelling with your pet, include this paperwork with your export documents. Generally, up to a 3-month supply will be given clearance.
Notify MPI before arrival
You don't need to notify MPI if your cat or dog is going into quarantine upon arrival in New Zealand. The quarantine facility will do this for you.
Cats and dogs from Australia
You need to notify MPI at least 5 working days before the scheduled arrival time of your cat or dog using the MPI veterinary inspection form.
MPI veterinary inspection application [PDF, 130 KB]
Email the notification form to ozdogsandcats@mpi.govt.nz
Assistance dogs from approved countries
You need to notify MPI at least 72 hours before the scheduled arrival time of your assistance dog. The notification should include the:
- flight or ship number
- date and time of arrival.
Make sure the completed documentation (including laboratory reports) is sent to the contact details below at least 24 hours before arrival.
Contact us if you have questions
Auckland arrivals:
- Phone: +64 9 909 2706
- Email: liveanimalsauckland@mpi.govt.nz
Christchurch arrivals:
- Phone: +64 3 943 1777
- Email: liveanimalschristchurch@mpi.govt.nz
Cats and dogs must enter New Zealand either into Auckland or Christchurch airports.
Biosecurity clearance of cats and dogs (including assistance dogs) from Australia
If you have given MPI at least 5 working days advance notification of arrival and payment arrangements have been made, your cat or dog will be inspected by an MPI veterinarian on arrival. Cats and dogs from Australia that meet our import requirements will be given clearance into New Zealand at the border. The inspection times for cats and dogs from Australia are:
- Auckland – 7am to 7pm
- Christchurch – 1pm to 5pm
The inspection times apply Monday to Friday (with the exception of public holidays and between Christmas and New Year). No inspections are done on weekends.
If your cat or dog is not available for inspection during these times, or is not compliant with the requirements, it will be sent to an approved quarantine facility until veterinary inspection is completed on the next working day.
Assistance dogs that are not given biosecurity clearance will be directed to home quarantine by a MPI inspector/veterinarian until inspected by a MPI veterinarian. If there are non-compliant tests or treatments or if external parasites are detected, the dog may be directed to a quarantine facility for the required treatment, testing and/or inspections.
If ticks or fleas are found on arrival
Your cat or dog cannot be given clearance to enter New Zealand if ticks or fleas are detected on arrival or in the quarantine facility. If ticks and fleas are found, you have 3 options. At your cost, your pet will need to:
- go to an approved quarantine facility for treatment or testing
- return to its country of origin (if permitted)
- be euthanised.
Find out more
Download the flea and tick fact sheet [PDF, 458 KB]
Getting your import documents
How you know you've met MPI requirements.
Your cat or dog will be cleared for entry into New Zealand when:
- it passes final veterinary inspection
- at the border (for cats and dogs from Australia)
- after a minimum of 10-days quarantine for all other approved countries
- all supporting documentation is compliant.
If your cat or dog does not meet the requirements, it will be:
- held for further tests, treatment or quarantine
- re-shipped to the exporting country (or another country)
- euthanased.
You will have to pay for any costs involved.
Cats and dogs must enter New Zealand from either Auckland or Christchurch airports.