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Proposed amendment to the import health standard for shelf-stable petfoods containing animal products

Update – 9 November 2023

Final IHS issued

Following the consultation that closed on 25 October 2023, MPI has issued the final import health standard along with the risk management proposal document.

Shelf-stable Petfoods Containing Animal Products – Import health standard [PDF, 400 KB]

Risk management proposal – Shelf-stable Petfoods Containing Animal Products [PDF, 155 KB]

Consultation background

From 10 October 2023 to 25 October 2023 the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) sought comments on proposed changes to the Import Health Standard Shelf-stable Petfoods Containing Animal Products. We propsed to add processed poultry products for further processing into dog or cat food in New Zealand (see clause 7.12 of the draft import health standard).

No other commodities in this import health standard were consulted.

Consultation documents

Draft Import Health Standard: Shelf-stable Petfoods Containing Animal Products [PDF, 455 KB]

Risk Management Proposal: Shelf-stable Petfoods Containing Animal Products [PDF, 230 KB]

Related document

World Trade Organization notification [PDF, 104 KB]


Steps to finalising the new IHS

After consultation on a draft import health standard, MPI publishes a provisional IHS.

If you made a submission during the consultation, you have 10 working days to notify the director-general of MPI that you intend to request an independent review. Reviews are limited to whether specific scientific evidence was given sufficient consideration.

If no review is requested within 10 working days, then the provisional IHS is confirmed and the final IHS is issued.

For more information about reviews refer to Section 24 of the Biosecurity Act 1993.

Section 24 of the Biosecurity Act 1993 – NZ Legislation