Update – 11 March 2024
Final IHS released
Following the consultation that closed on 14 December 2023, we've released the amended import health standard.
Import Health Standard: Grain and Seeds for Consumption, Feed or Processing [PDF, 787 KB]
Consultation background
From 2 November to 14 December 2023, the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) invited comments on proposed changes to the import health standard for importing grain and seeds for consumption, feed, or processing.
The proposed changes to the import health standard (IHS) were:
- requiring maize grain imported into New Zealand to be dried to a moisture content of 14% or less before export
- removing 11 pathogens from the list of regulated pests for maize.
Full details of the proposed changes were in the consultation document.
Consultation document
Risk Management Proposal – Amendment to the IHS: Grain and Seeds for Consumption, Feed, or Processing [PDF, 462 KB]
Related document
Draft IHS: Grain and Seeds for Consumption, Feed, or Processing [PDF, 1.4 MB]
Legal background
MPI must consult with interested parties in accordance with section 23 of the Biosecurity Act 1993 (the Act) and MPI's consultation policy before issuing or amending (other than of minor or urgent nature) import health standards (IHS) under sections 24A and 24B of the Act.
An IHS specifies import requirements that must be met either in the country of origin or of export, or during transit, before biosecurity clearance can be given for the goods to enter New Zealand. MPI must ensure that these requirements are technically justified and provide an appropriate level of biosecurity protection.