This import risk assessment has been produced to enable the safe importation of cultured juvenile (1 - 3 grams wet weight) kingfish (Seriola lalandi) from Spencer Gulf Aquaculture hatchery, Port Augusta, South Australia, for ongrowing at a proposed aquaculture facility in Nelson, New Zealand.
It is proposed that the kingfish would be subjected to health assessments, certification procedures and import/export procedures which follow guidelines set out in the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) International Aquatic Animal Health Code (OIE 2001). It is proposed that after health certification in Australia (following procedures specified by the OIE (2000) and the recommendations herein), the kingfish would be placed in a sealed container (MAF/AQIS approved seal) and air freighted into Wellington from Sydney or Melbourne airports. After clearing customs in Wellington the kingfish would be freighted directly by road to an approved transitional facility at NIWA Mahanga Bay for 4 weeks quarantine. Upon reaching the quarantine facility the seal to the transport container would be broken only by authorised Quarantine officers. Once cleared from quarantine the fish would then be shipped to the culture facility at Nelson for ongrowing in landbased tanks or seacages for human consumption.
This import risk assessment briefly reviews the information currently available on the stock structure of kingfish in Australia and New Zealand, but mainly examines the fish health risks associated with the importation of kingfish and proposes various safeguards and procedures to mitigate those risks.
Juvenile Yellowtail Kingfish (Seriola Lalandi) from Spencer Gulf Aquaculture, South Australia - Risk Analysis (February 2003)
Risk analysis
Aquatic Animals, Importing, Australia, Overview, Live Animals
Last updated