News & Resources, Forestry, Publications, Indigenous Forestry
- Forestry and land operations sawmilling newsletter, Issue 11, September 2014 [PDF, 925 KB]
- Spatial, forestry and land management sawmilling newsletter, Issue 12, December 2014 [PDF, 981 KB]
- Sawmill registration to mill indigenous timber - Application form [PDF, 168 KB]
- Forestry and land operations sawmilling newsletter, Issue 9, March 2014 [PDF, 1405 KB]
News for sawmillers from Forest and Land Operations (now called Spatial, Forestry and Land Management branch). This issue reports on: Demand for veneer-grade flitch –
rimu, tawa, matai, kahikatea; reports back from the Northland Totara Working Group Field Day; and reminds readers about notification of particular hazardous work.
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