Photo surveys are used to estimate abundance of scampi in New Zealand and provide important information for stock assessments.
Readers identify features in the survey photos as burrows or scampi. A statistical model is applied to produce an estimate of abundance for each survey. The statistical model takes into account differences between readers’ interpretation of features (what looks like a burrow to one reader may not to another) and differences in interpreting features over time (e.g., a reader may become more skilled at interpreting features over time, or technology could improve).
This report provides a review of the statistical model applied to produce an estimate of abundance from scampi photo surveys. The review found no concerns with the model or how it is being applied. Two readers re-read images from recent survey years to test if the adjustment over time has been appropriate. The results of the re-reads supported the model results.
Further work is suggested, including contracting a specialist statistician to provide greater theoretical understanding of the model and assumptions.
FAR 2024/05 Review of photo calibration methods for scampi (Metanephrops challengeri) photo surveys
Report - Fisheries Assessment Report (FAR)
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