We looked at the population DNA structure of common dolphins in New Zealand and how connected they are with the common dolphin populations in Eastern Australia and Tasmania.
We also used this information to estimate the effective population sizes.
DNA was extracted from New Zealand and Eastern Australian common dolphin samples collected from stranded, by-caught, and biopsied free-ranging individuals.
Three different populations were identified: 1) east coast of Australia; 2) west coast of New Zealand/Tasmania; and 3) east coast of New Zealand. There was migration from the east coast of New Zealand population into the west coast of New Zealand/Tasmanian population, and low migration into/from the east coast of Australia population.
Estimates of effective population size were higher for the east coast of New Zealand population, compared with the west coast of New Zealand/Tasmanian population.
AEBR 341 Population structure and size of New Zealand common dolphins
Report - Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity (AEBR)
Last updated