This consultation document includes proposals to vary the total allowable catch (TAC), allowances and total allowable commercial catch (TACC) for five inshore finfish stocks (GUR3, GUR7, SPO2, SPO7 and STA7). Each fishstock has been discussed in a separate section and will require specific decisions by the Minister for Primary Industries for the 1 October 2015 Fishing Year. An accompanying consultation document, “Review of Deemed Value Rates for Selected Finfish Stocks” features complementary proposals for these stocks and should be read in conjunction with this paper.
The fishstocks featured in this consultation paper were prioritised for review following consideration of the latest science information. During the prioritisation process, a number of other stocks with more complex fisheries management considerations were also identified. The Ministry for Primary Industries proposes to initiate pre-consultation on the management approach for a number of these stocks during the 2015/16 year to support the development of proposals in 2016.
2015-24-Review of Sustainability Controls for Selected Inshore Finfish Stocks
Discussion paper
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