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Cervine Semen to The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – OMAR
Cervine Semen to the United States of America – OMAR
Chinchillas to Qatar - OMAR
Commercial Birds to Canada - OMAR
Commercial birds to the United States of America - OMAR
Companion Rabbits to Australia - OMAR
Companion Rabbits to Japan - OMAR
Dairy cattle to Papua New Guinea - OMAR
Day Old Chicks and Hatching Eggs (Commercial Consignments) to Solomon Islands - OMAR
Day Old Chicks and Hatching Eggs (Small Consignments) to Solomon Islands – OMAR
Day Old Chicks and Hatching Eggs to Sri Lanka – OMAR
Day old Chicks to Malaysia – OMAR
Day Old Chicks/Hatching Eggs (Poultry) to the Philippines - OMAR
Day-Old Chicks / Hatching Eggs (Chickens) to People's Republic of China - OMAR
Day-Old Chicks / Hatching Eggs (Poultry, Turkeys and Other Bird Species) to the Republic of Vanuatu – OMAR
Day-old Chicks and Hatching Eggs (Poultry) to Niue – OMAR