About FYI and guidance documents
For your information (FYI) documents provide guidance on specific issues related to the export of animal products (such as meat, seafood, honey, and dairy), food products, plant products, and wine. They should be read in conjunction with the OMAR or ICPR (Importing Countries Phytosanitary Requirement) for the related destination market(s).
Some guidance documents provide guidance on generic processes that apply across multiple destination markets. These do not have reference numbers and are listed below on this page.
Some FYIs and Guidance documents are password protected because they contain commercially sensitive information. If you are involved in exporting animal products, you can apply for access by completing this online application form:
Request or amend access to animal product OMARs
FYIs are cancelled when they are superseded by another FYI or no longer apply.
List of current guidance documents
Guidance Document: Access to OMARs [PDF, 408 KB]
Guidance Document: Country listing applications [PDF, 391 KB]
Guidance document: China requirements for solid beverages (powdered products for drinking) [PDF, 248 KB]
Guidance document: Registration of Establishments Exporting Horticultural and Plant Products to China [PDF, 307 KB]
Guidance Document: China Registration of Food Establishments (Decree No. 248) [PDF, 508 KB]
List of current FYIs
F13/25 Korea: revised pet food regulations [PDF, 145 KB]
F12/25 Taiwan: Petfood containing poultry material [PDF, 190 KB]
F10/25 India: Certificate Signing Limits [PDF, 184 KB]
F08/25 Japan: Export certification may not be required for highly processed products containing poultry [PDF, 186 KB]
F07/25 Mauritius: HPAI Certification for Non-poultry Products [PDF, 189 KB]
F06/25 European Union: Foot and Mouth Disease Detected in Germany [PDF, 149 KB]
F04/25 China: New Quarantine Establishment Registration Webpage (for Imported Animal and Plant Products) - Update [PDF, 252 KB]
F03/25 China on-site audit for raw hides and skins registered establishments [PDF, 157 KB]
F02/25 China on-site audit for greasy wool registered establishments [PDF, 178 KB]
F01/25 China restrictions on rendered poultry meal [PDF, 146 KB]
F53/24 H7N6 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Information and Guidance [PDF, 246 KB]
F52/24 Returning animal products to New Zealand following detection of H7N6 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza [PDF, 194 KB]
F51/24 European Union (EU): Electronic Animal Product Certification Update [PDF, 343 KB]
F50/24 Russian Federation Ban on New Zealand Fresh Food Products [PDF, 146 KB]
F49/24 Canada: Certification requirements for pet supplements [PDF, 188 KB]
F45/24 Links to country lists in OMARs [PDF, 191 KB]
F43/24 Japan: Requirements for exporting fish meal [PDF, 188 KB]
F41/24 Korea: new listing requirements for live and unprocessed seafood [PDF, 158 KB]
F34/24 China: Registration of establishments processing specified inedible animal products for export to China [PDF, 183 KB]
F31/24 China: CIFER registrations for aquatic product establishments [PDF, 190 KB]
F30/24 Viet Nam Product Registration [PDF, 278 KB]
F29/24 China: market access for aquatic products [PDF, 186 KB]
F28/24 Thailand: product registration /GMP requirements for food [PDF, 157 KB]
F25/24 Korea: categories of dairy products for export [PDF, 144 KB]
F23/24 Korea: electronic clearance for food safety [PDF, 164 KB]
F22/24 GCC: Maximum Shelf-Life Labelling for Meat and Meat Products [PDF, 163 KB]
F19/24 China: Paperless Certification Pilot at Tianjin Ports for CN100, CN103, CN104, CN107, CN112, CN113, CN300, CN301 and CN400 [PDF, 213 KB]
F17/24 United Arab Emirates: Electronic Certification Trial [PDF, 167 KB]
F10/24 Changes to Great Britain border clearance requirements: Border Target Operating Model (BTOM) [PDF, 156 KB]
F04/24 Japan: JP200 poultry product disease attestation [PDF, 147 KB]
F47/23 China: Health Food [PDF, 191 KB]
F46/23 Malaysia: Halal Certification [PDF, 164 KB]
F30/23 Malaysia: Food Labelling [PDF, 133 KB]
F29/23 Kuwait: Update on Kuwaiti Ministerial Resolution Regarding the Regulations of Imported Foods [PDF, 141 KB]
F28/23 Kuwait: Ministerial Resolution Regarding the Regulations of Imported Foods [PDF, 144 KB]
F23/23 Thailand: Secondary Processors of Raw Animal Product Intended for Manufacture into Petfood in Thailand [PDF, 167 KB]
F13/23 Saudi Arabia: Approved Halal Organisations [PDF, 140 KB]
F52/22 India: proposed restriction on ports of entry for high risk food products [PDF, 138 KB]
F48/22 South Africa: Guidance on signing limits for exports to South Africa [PDF, 138 KB]
F39/22 Türkiye: Halal Certification of New Zealand Food Products [PDF, 153 KB]
F33/22 India: new vegan labelling requirements [PDF, 163 KB]
F30/22 Brazil: Update to Brazil’s Product Registrations [PDF, 153 KB]
F09/22 China: Guidance for Cross-border E-commerce Trade [PDF, 188 KB]
F06/22 Bahrain: Change in Shelf Life Restrictions for Chilled Beef [PDF, 143 KB]
F04/22 Saudi Arabia: palletisation requirement [PDF, 134 KB]
F50/21 Malaysia: Halal Certification and Labelling of Dairy, Seafood and Bee Products [PDF, 174 KB]
F25/21 Non-Containerised (Cargo Hold) Sea Freight Exports [PDF, 150 KB]
F18/21 China: Proposed requirements for export of plant-based pet food [PDF, 174 KB]
F11/21 Malaysia: Labelling of Ruminant Meat and Meat Products [PDF, 359 KB]
F64/20 Seafreight - MPI Container Seal Use for Specified Products [PDF, 148 KB]
F26/20 Japan: JP600 Certificate for milk and milk products [PDF, 145 KB]
F03/19 Wood Packaging used for Export [PDF, 151 KB]
F17/18 Canada: Safe Food for Canadians Act and Regulations? Information and Guidance [PDF, 474 KB]
F31/17 Eurasian Economic Union: Certificate Data [PDF, 186 KB]
F48/16 Guyana: Milk Powder Exports [PDF, 92 KB]
F41/16 USA: Food Safety Modernisation Act Rules: Information and Guidance [PDF, 235 KB]
F39/15 Customs Union: Eurasian Conformity Mark (EAC) [PDF, 56 KB]
F30/13 Customs Union: Contaminants [PDF, 1 MB]
F12/11 Declaration of Imported Components [PDF, 22 KB]
F07/11 Radionuclide Requirements – Dairy Material and Dairy Product imported from USA [PDF, 22 KB]
FD2/07 Copra as a Feed for Milking Animals [PDF, 224 KB]
F03/03 Label Claims [PDF, 114 KB]