About OMAR notifications
Overseas Market Access Requirements (OMAR) notifications provide urgent product or country-specific requirements for animal products. OMAR notifications may apply to one or more markets. OMAR notifications that are specific to just one market should be read in conjunction with the OMAR for that market.
When an OMAR for a particular market is updated, the relevant OMAR notifications are incorporated. When an OMAR notification has been incorporated into an OMAR (or is no longer applicable), it is cancelled.
All current OMAR notifications are listed on this web page. They are also listed on the individual country/market OMAR pages.
OMAR notifications are password protected because they contain commercially sensitive information. If you are involved in exporting animal products, you can apply for access by completing this on-line application form.
Application to view protected documents
Keep up to date
Market access requirements are continually changing. If you sign up to receive exporting updates, you will be notified by email when there are changes to OMARs and when OMAR notifications and FYI documents are published. Sign up for exporting email updates by completing this online application form. Select “Animal products exports (including OMARs)” under 'Email update topics'.
Current OMAR notifications