What this process covers
The requirements on this page are for wool, skin, and hides – inedible animal products that are not for human consumption.
Are you taking home an animal trophy or hide from New Zealand?
Find out about exporting animal trophies
Follow these steps to export wool, skin, and hides
Export requirements for these products vary, depending on your destination market. We've created a step-by-step process so you can see what's involved.
Meet New Zealand requirements for wool, skin, and hide exports
New Zealand legislation and operating requirements.
Comply with New Zealand legislation and standards
You need to meet all relevant standards and regulations. Legal requirements are set out in the Animal Products Act 1999.
Animal Products Act 1999 – NZ Legislation
Operating requirements
Check the next step to find out the requirements for your destination market.
If you need an export certificate, the wool, skin, and hides must be stored, produced and processed under either:
- an export approved premises (EAP) registration, or
- a registered risk management programme (RMP).
You don’t need to register as an export approved premises if your operation already has an RMP or Regulated Control Scheme (RCS).
If you grow wool, your farm won’t need an EAP or RMP. However, all other operators in exporting your product will need one.
Contact us if you are not sure which type of registration is right for you.
Email exporterhelp@mpi.govt.nz
Find out more
Animal Products Notice: Export Approved Premises [PDF, 534 KB]
Risk Management Programmes (RMPs)
Check destination requirements for wool, skin, and hide exports
Overseas Market Access Requirements and requirements for your market.
Find out the market access requirements
As an exporter, you're responsible for knowing and meeting the Overseas Market Access Requirements (OMAR) for your export destination. OMARs differ between markets and products. They set out requirements for all operators involved with exporting your product – from farmers to transporters.
You need to apply to MPI to read animal product OMARs because they're password protected.
Search for your OMAR
When you have your password, you'll be able to read the OMARs for your products.
Search for your destination market OMAR
Check all the requirements in the OMAR
Read the OMAR for your destination market thoroughly to make sure you can comply with all the requirements.
If your export destination has an OMAR you'll likely need an ‘official assurance’ (export certificate). This is the New Zealand Government's assurance that your product meets the standards set out in the OMAR. You'll need to get your official assurance before you can send your product.
You can find out more about getting an export certificate in the Official Assurance Requirements Notice.
Animal Products Notice: Official Assurance Requirements [PDF, 401 KB]
Check FYIs and OMAR notifications
Besides the OMAR, there may be other documents that have information about your market.
Guidance offered by FYIs can help you with exporting concerns or issues. You may need your OMAR password to read some FYIs.
OMAR notifications will give you the latest updates for your destination market.
'For Your Information' (FYI) documents
Exporting to a market with no OMAR
If there is no OMAR for your export destination, work directly with your importer or in-market agent to find out about certification and any other requirements.
Note that if there is no OMAR, it could mean your product is prohibited from being sent to that market.
Find out if your premises need to be approved
Some overseas markets require premises to be approved, or 'listed', before you can export your products.
'Listing' is a procedure agreed between governments for ensuring that:
- a country's market access requirements are met, and
- products are produced in premises approved to export to that country.
Your OMAR will tell you if your premises need to be listed, and the process to follow.
Are you using wood packaging?
If you use wood packaging products (other than paper) for your export product, check it meets the plant health requirements of the destination country. Most countries require you to treat your wood packaging to make sure it's free of pests and diseases.
Register as an animal products exporter
How to register and the list of registered exporters.
How to register
You must register using our online form.
AP1 exporter registration – online form
You'll need to pay a registration fee each year. If you don't register with MPI, you can use the services of an exporter who is already registered.
If you have questions about registering as an exporter, email approvals@mpi.govt.nz
Our list of registered exporters
When your application has been processed and approved by MPI, you will be added to our list of registered exporters. This list is available to the public.
Register for AP E-Cert, if needed
About AP E-cert and how to register.
About AP E-cert
Animal Products (AP) E-cert is the system MPI uses to issue official government assurances under the Animal Products Act. We issue the official assurance as an export certificate.
At each step of the production process, operators need to add information to AP E-cert. At the end of the process, the exporter uses AP E-cert to apply for the export certificate.
You need to use AP E-cert if:
- your destination market requires an export certificate, or
- product traceability is required for export.
AP E-cert is password-protected and new exporters and operators need to apply for access.
How to register
To use AP E-cert, your company must be either:
- a registered exporter under the Animal Products Act 1999
- a business with a registered risk management programme (RMP) or regulated control scheme (RCS)
- an export-approved premises (EAP), or
- an agent acting for another company that is registered as one of the above.
You need to get company access first, then add access for individuals.
Apply for an export certificate, if needed
Using AP E-cert and how to request approval to get your certificate.
Using AP E-cert
If your destination market requires an export certificate, you need to apply for it through AP E-cert. We explain how to register for AP E-cert in the previous step.
Log in
When you're registered, you can log in and use the system.
Request approval of your certificate
Once you've raised your application in AP E-cert, email your nearest MPI signing office to arrange approval.
Find contact details for MPI signing offices
Getting your export certificate
When MPI is satisfied that your products comply with all requirements and standards, we issue the export certificate through AP E-cert.
Some markets may require a printed export certificate. Check your destination country’s OMAR and the Official Assurance Requirements Notice to work out what you need.
Animal Products Notice: Official Assurance Requirements [PDF, 401 KB]
Training and help using AP E-cert
Guidance resources to help you understand the exporting process, certification, and how to use AP E-cert.
AP E-cert demonstration
Our walk-through demo will show you how to raise an export certificate in AP E-cert.