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Exporting fruit or vegetable wine, cider, mead, non-NZ grape wine, and wine products

Fruit or vegetable wines, non-New Zealand grape wine, cider, mead, and wine products are popular in many countries around the world. MPI's role is to help ensure that any product exported from New Zealand is safe and suitable, and meets requirements under the Wine Act.

In this section

I tēnei wāhanga

Exporter responsibilities

When exporting products from New Zealand you're responsible for:

  • ensuring your products meet the relevant New Zealand standards
  • complying with the relevant export eligibility requirements
  • reporting to MPI if your products are no longer fit for their intended purpose or have been refused entry by your export country
  • keeping the right records.

Who to contact

If you need to contact MPI about exporting fruit or vegetable wine, cider, mead, wine products, or non-New Zealand grape wine, email