When you need an RMP
You must operate under a registered RMP if you export to countries that require official assurances and you are:
- a secondary processor – someone who extracts, processes, packs, or stores bee products
- an operator who stores bulk bee products for export.
You don’t need an RMP if you're:
- a primary processor who just manages beehives, or collects honey supers, propolis, or pollen
- a secondary processor who only sells products on the New Zealand market.
Creating your RMP
There are 2 ways to create your RMP:
- Use the Bee Products RMP template.
- Write your own, using the Bee Products Operational Code and the RMP Manual.
Using the Bee Products RMP template is the simplest and cheapest way to create your RMP.
Learn more about the bee products operational code [PDF, 1.9 MB]
Download the RMP manual [PDF, 2.1 MB]
Risk Management Programme template: Honey Storage [PDF, 1.8 MB]
Risk Management Programme template: Bee Products [PDF, 3.7 MB]
Existing food safety programmes can be converted to RMPs
If you're already operating under an approved food safety programme you can also use it as the basis for an RMP.
Read more about developing your RMP
Evaluation, if needed
If you don’t use an RMP template, you will need to employ an independent evaluator who has been recognised by MPI to evaluate your RMP.
Get your RMP verified
All bee products RMPs must be verified at least once a year. This must be done by a recognised agency. The agency will confirm in writing that they are willing to verify your RMP each year, and you need to include this confirmation with your application to register your RMP with MPI. If you can't get a third party agency to verify your RMP, contact MPI Verification Services.
Animal products recognised agencies
Register your RMP
Once you have gone through the steps to develop your RMP (and, where necessary, had it evaluated) you need to register it with MPI. Your RMP must be registered with MPI before you can start operating.
Download and complete the RMP registration form [PDF, 305 KB]
Storing honey for export
If you're a beekeeper who intends storing honey before it is exported under an official assurance, you must:
- operate under a registered RMP
- have the honey extracted by a contractor who operates under a registered RMP
- comply with the Tutin Standard
- understand general requirements for export and overseas market access requirements
- pay relevant fees and charges.
Your RMP must also comply with the requirements for storage. An RMP template for the storage of honey is available to help you prepare your plan.
Risk Management Programme template: Honey Storage [PDF, 1.8 MB]
Who to contact
If you have questions about exporting honey and bee products, email exporterhelp@mpi.govt.nz