Export under the official organic assurance programme
Export your product under the MPI official organic assurance programme.
Export markets covered by the official organic assurance programme
This registration process applies to all operators exporting organic products under the official organic assurance programme (OOAP). The OOAP has a set of requirements for products going to overseas markets.
The OOAP covers exports to:
- the European Union (EU)
- Japan
- Norway
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
- United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- China.
Our organics guidance has extra information to help you follow the OOAP.
Official organic assurance programme guidance [PDF, 290 KB]
Markets or products not covered by the assurance programme
For all markets not covered by the OOAP, you need to find out the exporting requirements for your organic product.
We suggest you contact the Organic Exporters Association of New Zealand for support.
Organic Exporters Association of New Zealand
Exports to Australia
Products that are recognised as organic in New Zealand can also be sold as organic in Australia.
The process for exporting organic products
Export requirements vary for organic products, depending on your destination market. We’ve created a step-by-step process so you can see what’s involved.
1. Meet regular exporting requirements
Meet the domestic requirements for your product. You will need to meet New Zealand Food Safety legislation. For example, if you export organic wine, you also need to meet all requirements for conventional (non-organic) wine, whether New Zealand grape wine or fruit wine.
Some products may need other export requirements, such as phytosanitary certificate requirements or overseas market access requirements (OMARs).
2. Check organic requirements for your export market
Check the OMAR document for exporting to your market.
Japan [PDF, 316 KB]
European Union (EU) [PDF, 426 KB]
Norway [PDF, 256 KB]
Switzerland [PDF, 354 KB]
Taiwan [PDF, 334 KB]
USA [PDF, 400 KB]
United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) [PDF, 391 KB]
China [PDF, 422 KB]
Extra information for some markets
If you are exporting to Japan, the EU, Northern Ireland, Norway, or Switzerland, there is extra information you need to know.
Exporting organic products to Japan
Exporting organic products to the European Union (EU), Northern Ireland, Norway, or Switzerland
3. Apply to be certified as an organic operator
A recognised agency (RA) will need to certify that your product is organic. All operators involved in the production, processing, and export of your product must be certified.
Apply for certification by contacting an RA. There are two RAs in New Zealand that can certify organic products:
You will be charged for services by these agents. To get certified, you will need an organic management plan. This will be verified and registered with your recognised agency.
4. Register with MPI as an organics exporter
You must register with MPI to export using the OOAP.
OP1 organic exporter registration – online form
Animal products
If you export animal products, you will also need to register as an animal product exporter.
Wine and cider
If you export wine or cider, you will also need to register as a wine exporter. Types of wine and cider include:
- fruit wine
- vegetable wine
- cider
- mead
- wine made from New Zealand grapes.
5. Get official organic assurance
From 25 November 2024, the way you apply for assurance for exports to Great Britain will be different to other markets.
For all markets named above, excluding Great Britain
Complete an official organic assurance application form for each consignment.
OOAP official organic assurance application (not for use with MPI Trade Certification) [XLSX, 160 KB]
Your recognised agency will verify your products.
MPI will issue you with an organic export certificate if required. You can export your organic product once you get your certificate.
For exports to Great Britain
From 25 November 2024, you will need to submit applications for an official organic assurance using MPI Trade Certification.
How to use MPI Trade Certification
Complete an official organic assurance supporting document for each consignment.
OOAP official organic assurance supporting document (only for use with MPI Trade Certification) [XLSX, 57 KB]
Your recognised agency will verify your products.
MPI will issue you with an organic export certificate if required. You can export your organic product once you get your certificate.