Registration requirements
Registration with the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is required for anyone who exports:
- animals and animal products, including live animals, live bees, germplasm, dairy products, and foods containing animal products
- organic products produced under the Official Organic Assurance Programme (OOAP)
- non-New Zealand grape wine, fruit wine, cider, and mead
If you export organic products under the OOAP you need to register separately as an organics exporter. This is in addition to registering as an exporter of your product. For example, if you export organic meat under the OOAP you need to register as an animal products exporter, then register separately as an organics exporter.
Exporters who don’t need to register
Some exporters don’t need to register, but are still required to meet other export or destination market requirements. You don't need to register if you’re exporting:
- non-animal-product food products (unless exported under the OOAP)
- wine made from New Zealand grapes (unless exported under the OOAP)
- plant products (unless exported under the OOAP)
- organic products that are not exported under the OOAP
- owners exporting their own animals for non-commercial reasons, like pet cat and dog owners.
Registration process
To register as an exporter you need to complete and submit the relevant registration form for your type of product. If you are submitting by post, send the form to MPI at the address indicated on the form.
You may need to pay a registration fee. This is specific to the type of product and is noted on the online and paper forms.
Some exporters may need to submit information confirming they are operating under a programme or plan which verifies they are complying with export requirements.
To register as an exporter of live animals and animal products
Commercial exporters must be registered under the Animal Products Act 1999 if they export:
- animal products
- live animals/livestock
- live bees
- animal germplasm (semen and embryos)
- dairy products
- foods containing animal products.
These applications are assessed according to requirements set out in section 54 of the Act. Commercial exporters need to pay an annual exporter fee.
AP1 exporter registration – online form
Once you've registered, find an overview of your next steps in the Animal products exporter information pack [PDF, 538 KB]
To register as an exporter of organic products
If you want to export organic products under the Official Organic Assurance Programme (OOAP), you must register as an organics exporter.
If you export organic animal products, then you need to register first as an exporter of animal products. If you export organic fruit wine, vegetable wine, cider, mead, or organic wine made from non-New Zealand grapes, you need to register first as a wine exporter.
OP1 organic exporter registration – online form
To register as an exporter of wine and wine products
If you export fruit wine, vegetable wine, cider, mead, or wine made from non-New Zealand grapes, then you need to register as an exporter. If you export wine made from New Zealand grapes, you do not need to register as an exporter.
WA1 Wine exporter registration - online form
Registered exporters list
When your application has been processed and approved by MPI, you will be added to a list of registered exporters that is maintained by MPI and available to the public.
Exporters register – animal products, including dairy
Registered exporters have duties to perform
Registered exporters have certain duties under the various Acts. When you register as an exporter you will receive a letter from MPI which outlines the specific duties for the products you export – animal products, dairy, wine, or organic products.
The duties include:
- ensuring your products meet relevant New Zealand standards
- complying with relevant export eligibility requirements
- reporting to MPI if your products are no longer fit for intended purpose or are refused entry by a destination market
- keeping appropriate records.