Alternative fish disposal method available
Section 191 of the Fisheries Act 1996 prescribes the methods commercial fishers may use to lawfully dispose of landed catch. Those methods include:
- disposal to licensed fish receivers (LFRs)
- wharf sales (if it's less than 10kg per day)
- by an approved alternative method.
In October 2023, an alternative disposal method was approved. The alternative disposal method enables commercial fishers to lawfully dispose of otherwise unwanted fish or fish product to disposal facilities.
A disposal facility is a landfill or any other lawfully operating facility where waste can be disposed of. You will need to contact your local council to understand where your nearest disposal facility options are. This is because options vary across the country. See meaning of disposal facility on Waste Minimisation Act 2008 – NZ Legislation
Fisheries (Alternative Methods of Disposal) Circular 2023 [PDF, 161 KB]
The fish disposal rules
Section 191 of the Fisheries Act 1996 – NZ Legislation
You must get pre-approval to use the new disposal method
You must have approval before you use the alternative disposal method. The approval will enable you to dispose of landed fish to disposal facilities for 2 years without further approval being required.