Environmental principles in the Fisheries Act
The Fisheries Act 1996 has 3 environmental principles. They are listed in section 9 of the Act.
They require us to consider the wider environment, and take the 3 environmental principles into account when making decisions. The 3 principles relate to:
- associated or dependent species (section 9a)
- the diversity of the aquatic environment (9b)
- habitats of particular significance for fisheries management (9c).
Section 9 of the Fisheries Act 1996 – NZ Legislation
Guidance for habitats of particular significance for fisheries management
To help take section 9c of the Act into account, we've produced a guidance document. It supports our understanding of what is a habitat of particular significance and outlines:
- the process for identifying them and who will be involved
- how we take into account that they should be protected
- how to determine the risks to these habitats
- how to avoid, remedy, or mitigate any adverse effects of fishing.
Guidance document about protecting habitats of particular significance [PDF, 840 KB]
Examples of habitats of particular significance for fisheries management
We interpret section 9c of the Act to mean that a habitat of particular significance is "an area or areas and their attributes that are important for fisheries management in that they are of especially great importance in supporting life-history stages of fisheries resources".
The habitats may include:
- nursery areas for larvae and juveniles
- adult feeding areas
- spawning areas
- migratory corridors
- specific areas to which species are highly restricted.
Consultation on the habitat guidance document
We consulted on the guidance document in 2022. Your feedback helped us revise it for publication.
We'll soon be publishing an online register of habitats of particular significance for fisheries management
The register will include information on how we identified them (unless that information is considered sensitive).
The register will inform our fisheries management advice. It will also help other agencies like councils identify and manage non-fishing activities on habitats of particular significance for fisheries management.
Next steps for finalising the register
We hope to finalise the register soon. We'll be talking to some interested groups to make sure the register is robust.
When it's ready, we'll publish it on this page.