This guidance document provides clarification for dairy processors who undertake alkaline phosphatase testing as a quality control test.
Guidance and forms for dairy processors
Manuals, guidelines, and forms for managing food safety in dairy. Included are documents on dairy heat treatment, pathogen management plan, dairy maintenance compounds, novel technologies, risk organism response, and more.
Guidance for dairy processors
Import information for manufacturers of infant formula products
Specifies requirements for controlling risk organisms and gives guidance on preparing Risk Organism Response Plans for processors of dairy material and product.
Note that the heat treatment criteria set out in clauses 10.1.1 and 10.1.2 of the guidelines no longer apply. Dairy manufacturers should refer to the appropriate chapter in the World Organisation for Animal Health’s Terrestrial Animal Health Code.
The purpose of this document is to describe the MPI process for approving and/or recognising Dairy Maintenance Compounds (DMC). The register of approved and recognised DMCs is maintained by MPI and accessible on the MPI food safety website
Experience tells us that contamination of manufactured foods typically occurs during the
manufacture process. That is, from the processing environment, or from inadequate process
control. Therefore, effective management of pathogens can be achieved by controlling
pathogens in the process environment, and by ensuring appropriate process controls. This
document provides guidance to manufacturers for pathogen management. For some food
industries a pathogen management plan is a regulatory requirement. For others, it is not
mandatory, but all manufacturers are strongly encouraged to adopt these useful principles
for ensuring food safety
This guidance document has been prepared to assist operators of risk management programmes that cover farm dairy activities, to manage specific milk contamination events and their obligations under the Animal Products Regulations 2021, the Animal Products Notice: Production, Supply and Processing, and the Animal Products Notice: Disposal of non-conforming dairy material and dairy product.
This guideline is designed to assist staff of regulated parties (dairy product manufacturers, etc), Recognised Agencies (RAs) and New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) in the practical implementation of the NZFSA Criteria for Dairy Factory Water. It provides guidance for the development of a Water Management Plan
What's involved when export containers of dairy product issued an NZFSA official assurance are officially opened prior to export by NZ Customs officers.
- Dilution calculation worksheet [PDF, 22 KB]
- Dilution calculation worksheet [DOCX, 133 KB]
It is important that milk and milk products offered for sale do not contain residues at levels that exceed allowable maximum residue limits (MRL). Accordingly NZFSA specifications require that risk management programmes (RMP’s) must ensure that intervention occurs when they become aware of residues above the maximum residue limit (MRL), or suspect that the dairy material may contain residues above the MRL.
- Dilution calculation worksheet [PDF, 22 KB]
- Dilution calculation worksheet [DOCX, 133 KB]
This guideline sets out a process for assessing disposition options for dairy material or dairy product manufactured from raw milk which contained, or may have contained, residues of an inhibitory substance, veterinary medicine or agricultural compound.
Subject: Processing, Dairy Products, Dairy Manufacturing Requirements
The purpose of this Guidance document is to clarify the steps that a dairy RMP operator should consider when updating their RMP to meet the Regulations and recently issued Notices, highlight new requirements that need to be met from 1 July 2022 and highlight significant changes that RMPs will need to meet by 1 November 2023.
Forms for dairy processors
- AP49 Processing Categories Tables [PDF, 371 KB]
- Application Guidelines for Approvals under the Animal Products Act [PDF, 152 KB]
If you process or manufacture animal products, you may need to register a risk management programme (RMP) with MPI. Use this form to apply for registration of your RMP.
- AP4 Registration of Risk Management Programme [PDF, 305 KB]
- AP49 Processing Categories Tables [DOCX, 338 KB]
Processing categories are used to aid in the registration of a Risk Management Programme or Amendment to a RMP as required under sections 20 and 25 of the Animal Products Act 1999 (APA) and for the purposes of review and/or update as required under section 26 of the APA.
- AP50 Minor update to risk management programme details [DOCX, 369 KB]
If you make certain minor amendments to your risk management programme (RMP) that do not require registration, you must notify MPI. Use this form to notify MPI of any minor amendments to your RMP that do not require registration.
Use this form if you wish to make significant amendments to a registered risk management programme.
Use this form if you are an RMP operator changing recognised agencies, or where an agreement with a recognised agency has been terminated.
Advice of designated operator and/or designated persons.
Forms & Templates, Organics, Exporting, Official Organic Assurance Programme, EU, Switzerland, UK, GB, Northern Ireland, USA, Taiwan, Japan
Registered Organic Exporters use this form to notify the MPI Certification Team of changes to designated persons, authorised by the exporter to apply for an Official Organic Assurances (organic export certification) for your consignment.
Dilution calculation worksheet
Use this form to apply for approval or recognition of a dairy maintenance compound under regulation 30(1) of the Animal Products (Dairy) Regulations 2005.
Must be completed and held by the farm dairy operator and a copy made available to the operator of the farm dairy risk management programme.
For the purposes of recording the outcome of an animal health veterinary assessment. To be held by the RCS farm dairy operator as a record for a minimum of 4 years.
Apply for verification of dairy product that has left and returned to NZ so it can be released in NZ or be re-exported with official assurance.
Use this form to apply for MPI confirmation of acceptance of a novel technology or an alternative premise or equipment design under clause 3.10 of Operational Code: NZCP1: Design and Operation of Farm Dairies.