Why we charge the bee products industry
We recover costs from the honey and bee products industry for essential services we provide for the domestic and export bee products sectors, including:
- setting and implementing standards
- ensuring compliance
- sampling and testing
- facilitating access to export markets.
These services and programmes ensure that all New Zealand honey meets domestic and international requirements.
Where to find fees and charges
Current fees are listed in the Food (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2015.
Food (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2015
You may need to pay for other services provided by MPI. We calculate the fees and charges on a cost-recovery basis.
More information about fees and charges
Charges specific to bee products
If you operate under National Programme 1 or a custom food control plan under the Food Act 2014, you must pay:
- the cost of registering to your registration authority (either your local council or MPI)
- any applicable verification fees to your verifier.
If you operate under a risk management programme (RMP), you must pay:
- the cost of registering your RMP and ongoing amendments
- the costs of residue monitoring under the bee products Regulated Control Scheme (RCS)
- the bee products programmes charge.
RCS costs
Under the residues monitoring RCS, you pay for the sampling and testing of bee products.
Find out more about the RCS for bee products
Levy for processors of honey or bee products
The programmes charge is an annual levy. The levy covers the costs of the work MPI does to administer laws, regulations, and standards for the bee and honey industry. This work includes:
- servicing enquiries from beekeepers
- facilitating access to export markets
- performing a range of other activities that support the industry.
If you're an operator who:
- processes bee products for sale in the domestic market only, the annual charge is $431.08 (GST exclusive)
- processes bee products wholly or partly for export, the annual charge is $2,566.08 (GST exclusive).
Animal Products (Fees, Charges, and Levies) Regulations 2007 – NZ Legislation
General charges for exporters
Under the Animal Products Act, all exporters pay fees and levies for:
- exporter registration
- the issuing and replacement of official assurances, and use of the Animal Products Electronic Certification System (AP E-cert).
Find out more about exporting honey and bee products
Who to contact
If you have questions about fees and charges for honey and bee products, email info@mpi.govt.nz