- Food Regulations 2015 – NZ Legislation website
- Food (Fees and Charges) Amendment Regulations 2015 – NZ Legislation website
- Dietary Supplements Regulations 1985 – NZ Legislation website (in force until 1 March 2021)
Find food legislation, notices, and standards. The notices and standards are in-force secondary legislation published by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) under the Legislation Act 2019.
This Notice specifies the food businesses that have been granted an exemption from the requirement to operate under a registered food control plan or national programme under section 33 of the Food Act 2014. This Notice also lists the previous exemptions that are in force.
Food Notice
Food Act s347
The purpose of the Food Act 2014 (the Act) includes achieving the safety and suitability of food for sale, maintaining and improving confidence in New Zealand's food safety regime, and providing for risk-based measures that minimise and manage risks to public health.
This standard sets requirements for the processing of UCFM (including, without limitation, products such as salami and beer sticks). UCFM is also a prescribed food under Food (Prescribed Foods) Standard 2007.
The New Zealand (Bee Product Warning Statements - Dietary Supplements) Food Standards 2002 continue the requirements that existed as mandatory standards in the New Zealand Food Standard 2001 for warning statements for products containing royal jelly, bee pollen and propolis when sold as dietary supplements.
The purpose of this standard is to a) provide an interim regulatory arrangement for supplemented food until there are appropriate provisions in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code); and b) regulate the “food-type” dietary supplements that were formerly regulated under the Dietary Supplements Regulations 1985.
This Food Standard provides compliance options for persons keeping bees, and extracting, packing or blending honey for sale for human consumption to ensure that the maximum level of tutin permitted in honey is not exceeded. This Standard revokes and replaces the Food (Tutin in Honey) Standard 2010 and Food (Tutin in Honey) Amendment Standard 2011.
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