Why your WSMP has to be updated
New wine regulations and notices came into effect on 1 July 2022. Your WSMP will need to be updated to reflect these changes that came from the regulatory redesign project.
Wine businesses had until 1 July 2023 to update their plans to the new requirements.
During this period, verifiers will raise a recommendation requiring businesses to transition to the new requirements by:
- moving to the new integrated WSMP model
- moving to the new New Zealand Winegrowers WSMP Code of Practice v3
- updating their existing WSMP.
This will not affect the verification outcome.
After 1 July 2023, failure to move to either the new integrated WSMP model, the new New Zealand Winegrowers WSMP Code of Practice v3, or update an existing WSMP to comply with new requirements will result in an "unacceptable" verification outcome.
Changes to wine regulations and notices
Redesign of animal products and wine regulations and notices
Your new WSMP
You will either need to:
- move to the new integrated WSMP model, or
- move to the new New Zealand Winegrowers WSMP Code of Practice v3, or
- update your existing WSMP to meet the new requirements.
If you choose to update your existing WSMP to meet the requirements, your WSMP will be considered a custom WSMP. You will not need to have it evaluated to reflect changes to requirements for the regulatory redesign project, but any future changes to meet new requirements will need to be evaluated.
Integrated WSMP model [PDF, 907 KB]
Find out about the New Zealand Winegrowers WSMP Code of Practice v3
Find out about registering a custom WSMP
New WSMP rules
- Self-supplied water must be tested at least once every year and within 1 week of any adverse event that may affect water quality.
- Supplier declaration of commodities are not included in the current WSMP as it is no longer accepted.
- New PEAL (Plain English Allergen Labelling) requirements are included for better understanding and easy reference.
- Simulated recall must be conducted every year and the effectiveness of the recall measured.
Who to contact
If you have questions about wine standards management plans, email wine.rules@mpi.govt.nz