Product identification |
Product type |
Coconut yoghurt |
Name of product (size) |
Cathedral Cove Naturals brand Chocolate Coconut Yoghurt (500g) |
Date marking |
All dates and all batches up to and including 21/10/2021. |
Package size and description |
The product is sold in a 500g glass jar. |
Distribution |
The product is sold at New World, Pak'n Save, Four Square, Countdown, FreshChoice, and SuperValue supermarkets throughout New Zealand. The product is also sold at the below stores in Auckland and Hastings. Auckland
Hawke’s Bay
The product may also be sold online or via home delivery from the above supermarkets and stores. |
Notes |
Cathedral Cove Naturals brand Chocolate Coconut Yoghurt that have been relabelled to declare the presence of milk is not affected by this recall. This recall does not affect any other Cathedral Cove Naturals brand products. |
Consumer advice
Customers are asked to check the date mark on the label of the product.
People with a milk allergy or intolerance should not consume this product. There have been reports of an allergic reaction. If you have consumed any of this product and have any concerns about your health, seek medical advice. If you are not allergic or intolerant to milk, this recall does not affect you.
Customers with a milk allergy or intolerance should return the product to their retailer for a full refund.
Who to contact
If you have questions, contact Cathedral Cove Naturals Ltd:
- Phone: 09 570 6036
- Address: 12 Donnor Place, Mt Wellington, Auckland.