Who to contact for help
You can get guidance in planning your forest planting from a number of organisations. You can also hire a forestry consultant to help you.
Contact someone from your industry or:
- your regional council land management team
- New Zealand Farm Forestry Association
- New Zealand Institute of Forestry registered forestry consultants
You can also get help making decisions about planting trees from our forestry advisory team. We can help you navigate information, investigate opportunities, and access advice. Find out about the free service and how to talk with a regional adviser in your area.
Read more about the forestry advisory service
Good practice guidance for planting
Your regional council will have local guides for the types of trees best suited to your location. Many councils have land management teams who can help you with advice and will often have additional funding options available.
Council maps and websites – Local Government New Zealand
Your local plant nursery or garden centre can provide advice on what trees and plants do well in your area.
It's worth talking to neighbours who've planted forest on their land too.
Information for native (indigenous) planting
The Department of Conservation, Tāne’s Tree Trust and Trees That Count have guidance to help you plan a native planting or ecological restoration project.
National guides for planting natives – Trees That Count
Planting guidelines – Trees That Count
Local planting guides – Department of Conservation
Information for native and exotic (non-native) planting
Many regional councils have good information to help you plan your planting. Take a look at your local council’s website for information.
Council maps and websites – Local Government New Zealand
Integrating trees into your farm business
DairyNZ and Beef + Lamb New Zealand have guidance available for how to integrate trees and forests into your farm business.
Beef + Lamb New Zealand
Trees within farms – Beef + Lamb New Zealand
Catchment Community Group Programme – Beef + Lamb New Zealand
Other resources
Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service’s website Canopy has information to help you plan your forest.
Get tree planting advice and help – Canopy
New Zealand Farm Forestry Association
The New Zealand Farm Forestry Association has resources on different native and exotic trees species for the farm, as well as good practice forest management. There are also frequent farm events to learn about other farmers’ experiences.