On this page:
- About the Hill Country Erosion Programme
- Case studies of funded work
- Hill Country Erosion Programmes in your region
About the Hill Country Erosion (HCE) Programme
The HCE Programme is a partnership between the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), councils and landowners. It provides funding support in 4-year blocks to regional erosion-control projects that are beyond the capacity of councils to address on their own. Both councils and landowners also provide funding throughout the 4-year programmes.
The government has allocated $25 million to 14 regional erosion control programmes for 4 years beginning in July 2023. The funding helps protect over 21,000 hectares of erosion-prone farmland. It will continue to support several well-established regional erosion control programmes, and start new programmes in other regions.
The HCE Programme supports councils to:
- work with landowners in mapping and identifying erosion-prone land
- deliver catchment initiatives and sustainable land management projects
- build their technical capacity to deliver erosion-control work.
It also supports councils to plan for and treat erosion-prone land, usually with trees as the main treatment, through:
- space planting of trees (far enough apart that pasture can grow between them for grazing stock)
- land retirement and reversion to native vegetative cover
- forestry.
Loss of productive land through erosion has a significant impact on the environment, and the economy. Erosion and its effects in hill country areas alone are estimated to cost New Zealand's economy $100 million to $150 million a year. Reducing erosion in the upper areas of a catchment costs less than the cost of flooding and of flood-control structures in the lower areas.
Case studies of funded work
Rural communities are the kaitiaki (guardians) of much of our nation's precious land and water. The HCE Programme supports farmers to make good land decisions, helping:
- retain productive soils
- reduce sediment loss to waterways.
Right across our regions, the HCE Programme is working to give landowners the support, advice and incentives they need. Read some examples of how the HCE Programme is helping landowners tackle erosion and manage sediment loss across New Zealand.
Solving a catastrophic slip with manuka planting – Rangitikei [PDF, 3.7 MB]
Gathering momentum in the battle against hill country erosion – Waikato [PDF, 1.8 MB]
Joining forces to safeguard a precious catchment – Hawke's Bay [PDF, 3.1 MB]
The role of good partnerships in tackling erosion – Wellington [PDF, 1.6 MB]
Tackling erosion challenges out on the lifestyle block – Nelson [PDF, 3.4 MB]
Hill Country Erosion Programmes in your region
Read below for more information about erosion programmes funded by the HCE Programme in your region.
Landowners should contact their council's land management officers to find out about current programmes in their area.
Northland - Northland Regional Council
Investment summary
Contract period | 2015-2019 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2023 | 2023-2027 |
HCE grant | $0.67 m | $0.49 m | $3.43 m | $1.90 m |
Total budget | $3.65 m | $0.54 m | $7.89 m | $5.36 m |
Current programme (2023-2027)
Northland Hill Country Erosion Programme
Northland has major erosion issues, caused by deforestation on vulnerable soils. This programme increases the capability of the community to recognise and address soil conservation issues on hill country. It provides financial assistance and advice for landowners. The programme has a strong emphasis on developing enduring relationships with tangata whenua.
The four-year programme provides:
- 7,000 subsidised soil conservation trees per year through the programme to stabilise hill country land
- 320 hectares of vulnerable hill country land permanently retired from grazing
- 120 hectares of native planting.
Grants for planting on erosion-prone land – Northland Regional Council
Auckland - Auckland Council
Investment summary
Contract period | 2023-2027 |
HCE grant | $0.15 m |
Total budget | $0.62 m |
Current programme (2023-2027)
This programme represents the start of an Auckland region-wide initiative that aims to protect the region from soil loss by erosion on hill country land. It includes an Erosion Control Strategy and a council-developed prioritisation system for targeted and financially efficient investment. The programme partners with the kaitiaki and mana whenua of the land on the prioritisation framework, implementation plan, and cultural monitoring.
The four-year programme provides:
- an Erosion Control Strategy for Auckland
- protection of 38 hectares using 8,250 poplar wands for spaced planting
- 8 hectares of land fenced and retired
- 37,500 native eco-sourced plants
- 10 erosion control plans.
Bay of Plenty - Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Investment summary
Contract period | 2023-2027 |
HCE grant | $0.77 m |
Total budget | $2.74 m |
Current programme (2023-2027)
Bay of Plenty Hill Country Erosion Programme
This programme implements proven hill country erosion mitigations in partnership with the community. It aims to protect and improve water quality and preserve soils across the region. Work is targeted to hilly erodible land (≥20 degrees slope or ≥LUC 6) mostly within Council’s priority ‘Focus Catchment’ areas.
The four-year programme provides land treatment work, including:
- planting of native species
- poplar poles
- hill country retirement fencing.
It also provides development of property-specific Environmental Protection Agreements through one-on-one discussions with landowners.
Bay of Plenty focus catchments – Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Waikato - Waikato Regional Council
Investment summary
Contract period | 2015-2019 | 2019-2023 | 2023-2027 |
HCE grant | $0.63 m | $3.7 m | $2.86 m |
Total budget | $2.31 m | $18.91 m | $16.80 m |
Current programme (2023-2027)
Waikato Hill Country Erosion Control Programme
This programme aims to support sustainable land use change and protection of erosion-prone land through targeting catchments with the greatest soil conservation risk. It provides landowners with support for a variety of activities to improve water quality, protect community infrastructure and enhance biodiversity.
The four-year programme provides:
- 1,160 hectares of land treatment - space planting, afforestation, land retirement/reversion
- farmer-led farm planning works
- increased capability of council staff
- engage with Māori landowners to deliver co-designed farm planning workshops.
Gisborne - Gisborne District Council
Investment summary
Contract period | 2010-2014 | 2019-2023 | 2023-2027 |
HCE grant | $0.1 m | $0.42 m | $0.90 m |
Total budget | $0.1 m | $0.62 m | $0.90 m |
Current programme (2023-2027)
Tairāwhiti Capacity Building and Erosion Control
This programme aims to build Gisborne's capacity and capability to address hill country erosion in the Tairāwhiti region.
Increasing council land management capacity will help provide the necessary catchment-scale context to support landowners and catchment groups to reduce hill country soil erosion on their farms. This will also reduce the amount of sediment movement and damage.
The four-year programme will provide:
- 60 farm-scale erosion control plans
- 80 hectares of land treatment on coastal hill country sites
- 3 coastal community nurseries
- increased council land management capability.
MPI also supports wider erosion control work in Gisborne through the Erosion Control Funding Programme
Hawke's Bay - Hawkes Bay Regional Council
Investment summary
Contract period | 2009-2014 | 2015-2019 | 2019-2023 | 2023-2027 |
HCE grant | $0.72 m | $0.36 m | $5.03 m | $3.61 m |
Total budget | $1.24 m | $0.93 m | $10.31 m | $14.16 m |
Current programme (2023-2027)
Erosion Control Scheme Booster (ECS)
Hawke’s Bay has ambitious plans to increase the scale and pace of work targeting reducing erosion and sediment into our waterways. This programme acknowledges the inherently high cost of erosion control work as a barrier for landowners and works to treat, prevent, and arrest or reverse the impacts of erosion.
The four-year programme provides:
- increased capacity of our land management team, building knowledge and expertise
- funding for erosion control work
- monitoring and ongoing management of work
- council land management advice and online resources for landowners
- more capacity for poplar and willow pole production.
Manawatu-Wanganui - Horizons Regional Council
Investment summary
Contract period | 2007-2011 | 2011-2015 | 2015-2019 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2023 | 2023-2027 |
HCE grant | $5.87 m | $7.62 m | $4.76 m | $0.31 m | $6.49 m | $3.64 m |
Total budget | $23 m | $27 m (approx.) | $30.76 m | $0.31 m | $33.22 m | $35.17 m |
Current programme (2023-2027)
Sustainable Land Use Initiative (SLUI)
SLUI was initiated after the 2004 storm event which caused widespread damage across the Manawatū – Whanganui region. The programme focuses on reducing hill country erosion to:
- build resilience to adverse events
- protect downstream communities
- extend the life of flood protection assets
- improve water quality in the region’s waterways.
The four-year programme provides:
- 13,660 hectares of land treatment
- the transition of 400 existing Whole Farm Plans to align with freshwater farm plans with a resilience layer
40,000 hectares of new mapping for Erosion and Sediment Control Plans.
Taranaki - Taranaki Regional Council
Investment summary
Contract period | 2009-2013 | 2015-2019 | 2019-2023 | 2023-2027 |
HCE grant | $1.06 m | $1.21 m | $3.99 m | $3.64 m |
Total budget | $3 m (approx) | $3.23 m | $9.66 m | $10.70 m |
Current programme (2023-2027)
South Taranaki and Regional Erosion Support Scheme (STRESS-4)
This programme builds on the last 13 years of successful implementation and continues its focus on treating erosion-prone land. Land treatment work targets areas in hill country catchments with the highest sediment sources, and support for on-farm work is prioritised in those areas.
The four-year programme provides
- identification of the highest sediment sources in hill country catchments using SednetNZ and farm-scale Land Use Capability (LUC) information in farm plans
- 1,800 hectares of land treatment through a mixture of tools
- 32 new farm plans
- establishment of on-farm poplar/willow nurseries.
Hill Country Erosion Funding (STRESS) – Taranaki Regional Council
Wellington/Wairarapa - Greater Wellington Regional Council
Investment summary
Contract period | 2009-2014 | 2015-2019 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2023 | 2023-2027 |
HCE grant | $0.99 m | $1.15 m | $0.51 m | $7.64 m | $2.64 m |
Total budget | $2 m (approx.) | $3.58 m | $1.14 m | $15.01 m | - |
Current programme (2023-2027)
Wellington Regional Erosion Control Initiative (WRECI)
This programme aims to build community resilience and land-use sustainability by protecting erosion-prone land using a range of farm planning tools and management practices. It is complemented by a programme to support landowners in accessing carbon revenue to encourage planting of alternative species and native trees.
The four-year programme provides:
- 2,650 hectares of land treated
- farm planning support for landowners
- programme advocacy
- council capacity development in staff and tree supply
- increased engagement with hapu/marae.
Nelson - Nelson City Council
Investment summary
Contract period |
2018-2019 |
2019-2023 |
2023-2027 |
HCE grant |
$0.19 m |
$1.27 m |
$0.86 m |
Total budget |
$0.51 m |
$4.17 m |
$2.86 m |
Current programme (2023-2027)
Nelson Hill Country Erosion Programme
This programme supports landowners to reduce and manage erosion from farming, forestry and changing land use in rural areas of Nelson. The programme engages and collaborates with iwi as major forestry landowners, working with other Top of the South Island councils.
The four-year programme provides:
- regional geospatial mapping of landslip susceptibility to help prioritise funding
- development of 20 forest/farm erosion control plans
- reversion and native forestry planting of 120,000 trees targeted at high-risk sites on farming and forestry land.
Marlborough - Marlborough District Council
Investment summary
Contract period |
2018-2019 |
2019-2023 |
2023-2027 |
HCE grant |
$0.21 m |
$1.13 m |
$0.91 m |
Total budget |
$0.28 m |
$2.88 m |
$2.69 m |
Current programme (2023-2027)
Marlborough Hill Country Erosion Programme
This programme extends the district's erosion control initiative:
- treating erosion-prone land in partnership with landowners
- engaging on erosion control projects with iwi, and
- rolling out hill country erosion control plans.
The four-year programme provides:
- 34 erosion control plans, based on assessment of Land Use Capability and refined using LiDAR and on-farm/forest inspections
- supply and planting of 12,000 poplar poles
- retirement of 180 hectares of erosion-prone pastoral land
- planting of 144,000 native seedlings on the most vulnerable land in the region
- local iwi projects to support erosion control and retirement work on steep forestry sites
- trials of alternative tree species for erosion control planting.
Tasman - Tasman District Council
Investment summary
Contract period |
2019-2023 |
HCE grant |
$0.74 m |
Total budget |
$1.02 |
Canterbury - Environment Canterbury
Investment summary
Contract period |
2019-2023 |
2023-2027 |
HCE grant |
$1.84 m |
$1.90 m |
Total budget |
$4.88 m |
$5.66 m |
Current programme (2023-2027)
North Canterbury Soil Conservation and Revegetation (SCAR) Programme
Through land-based action and community-based support, this programme aims to provide to sustainable and resilient outcomes for erosion prone land and its communities. The programme builds on the previous programme, focussing on the Hurunui and Kaikōura Districts and also expand into the Waimakariri District.
The four-year programme provides:
- 300 hectares of erosion prone land retired into native vegetation
- 520 hectares planted in 26,000 poplar poles
- at least 80 erosion control plans and/or Land Use Capability maps
- increased mātauranga/knowledge by building soil conservation capability amongst landowners, rural professionals, and council staff
- support for community groups to develop local soil conservation initiatives and pole nurseries
- trials of innovative erosion control techniques suited to local land types.
Funding for hill country erosion – Environmental Canterbury Regional Council
Otago - Otago Regional Council
Investment summary
Contract period | 2023-2027 |
HCE grant | $0.43 m |
Total budget | $1.05 m |
Current programme (2023-2027)
Otago Erosion Control – Capacity Building, Prioritisation and Rehabilitation
Controlling soil erosion is a key part of the council's integrated catchment management approach. This programme strengthens the council's role in erosion control with an aim of improving water quality and enhancing long term sustainable land use.
The four-year programme provides:
- an Erosion Control Strategy for Otago
- identification and mitigation of hill slope erosion in priority areas through funding and assistance for landowners to plan and undertake 5 hectares of land treatment
- increased council capacity and knowledge of hill slope erosion (risk and actual), including the collation and analysis of existing data to prioritise intervention efforts
- stronger engagement with landowners through group workshops, one-on-one meetings, and information exchange.
Southland - Environment Southland
Investment summary
Contract period |
2019-2020 |
2023-2027 |
HCE grant |
$0.15 m |
$0.15 m |
Total budget |
$0.22 m |
$0.25 m |
Current programme (2023-2027)
Strategic Planning for Hill Country Erosion Control in Southland
This programme develops a strategic approach to managing erosion control and subsequent sediment loads to Southland’s receiving environments (e.g. estuaries). It identifies and prioritises the main sources of sediment. It estimates the contribution of hill country erosion, and tests various mitigations in a pilot catchment.
The one-year programme provides:
- an erosion control strategy for Southland
- land treatment in one pilot catchment
- summary information on the pilot project.
Nationwide - Regional Councils' Poplar and Willow Research Collective, Plant and Food Research
Programme summary
Contract period | 2008-2012 |
HCE grant | $0.65 m |
Total budget | $1.28 m |
MPI's funding activity database contains detailed information about each Hill Country Erosion programme funded since 2007. Select 'Hill Country Erosion Fund' from the fund drop-down list for the list of projects, ‘in progress’ under Status for more information about the most recent programme, or ‘completed’ for the older projects.
Search the funding activity database
Who to contact
If you have questions about the Hill Country Erosion Programme:
- call 0800 00 83 33
- email forestgrants@mpi.govt.nz