Don't eat shellfish or crayfish from around Whakaari/White Island
New Zealand Food Safety advises the public not to eat shellfish or crayfish harvested from the shores of Whakaari/White Island and within a 1km exclusion zone extending off the island’s coastline.
This advice is to protect your health, because ongoing volcanic activity can cause higher levels of contaminants to enter the sea.
You should not eat the following kaimoana (seafood) from the area:
- crayfish
- mussels, oysters, tuatua, pipi, toheroa, cockles, scallops, pūpū (cat’s eyes), Cook’s turban, kina (sea urchin), and all other shellfish.
Cooking shellfish or crayfish will not remove the contaminants.
Finfish caught in the exclusion zone can be eaten, but we advise you to limit this to 1 serving every 1 to 2 weeks.
Due to ongoing volcanic activity, and the residual effects of a 2019 eruption, the exclusion zone advisory will remain in place until additional information is available to confirm the kaimoana is safe to eat.
New Zealand Food Safety is doing research to further understand the food safety risks around Whakaari/White Island and the Bay of Plenty region.
We'll update this food safety advice as needed.
Map of the recommended exclusion zone around the island

Other areas of Bay of Plenty, including the mainland coastline
Other than in the exclusion zone, New Zealand Food Safety does not expect any increased food safety risk from kaimoana in the wider Bay of Plenty region due to volcanic activity. Shellfish harvested along the mainland coastline is safe to eat, except where there are local shellfish biotoxin or other contamination alerts.
All the same, we recommend following food safety guidelines when taking kaimoana in the Bay of Plenty.
Fish and shellfish should not be eaten if they:
- smell like sulphur, or smell “off”
- are visibly unwell or dead when you find/catch them.
If in doubt, don’t eat the fish or shellfish. Don’t feed them to your pets or other animals.
Proper handling, storage, and cooking can reduce the risk of getting sick from your catch.
Food safety for seafood gatherers [PDF, 1.2 MB]
What to do if you feel sick after eating seafood
If you become ill after eating seafood from an area where a public health warning has been issued, either:
- phone Healthline for advice on 0800 61 11 16, or
- seek medical attention immediately.
You are also advised to contact your nearest public health unit. Keep any leftover kaimoana in case it needs to be tested.
Find out more
Coastline iwi authorities contact details – Te Puni Kokiri
Food safety for seafood gatherers [PDF, 1.2 MB] [PDF, 1.2 MB]
Check the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence Facebook page for latest volcano activity updates