General resources
Where to go for farmer support – Flyer [PDF, 1.2 MB]
Government assistance for climatic events and natural disasters impacting on-farm [PDF, 361 KB]
Dealing with drought conditions
Meeting the challenges – Key points for getting through droughts [PDF, 362 KB]
Extreme dry fact sheet – Beef+Lamb NZ
2012/13 drought – Assessment and historical perspective [PDF, 3.4 MB]
Dry conditions and primary production 70 year view [PDF, 2.9 MB]
Pasture renovation after flooding – DairyNZ
Preparing for a flood – Beef + Lamb NZ [PDF, 311KB]
Salt water inundation – Technical advice from the Waikato Regional Council [PDF, 400 KB]
Planning for animals in emergencies
Dealing with trees damaged by storms [PDF, 400 KB]
Harvesting and milling windthrown trees [PDF, 206 KB]
Volcanic eruptions
Impact of a volcanic eruption on agriculture and forestry in New Zealand [PDF, 641 KB]
Volcanic eruption: Impacts and hazard mitigation for NZ primary production [PDF, 698 KB]
Food safety in an emergency
Food safety in the home after Cyclone Gabrielle – Fact sheet [PDF, 1.3 MB]
Food safety advice for homekilled meat after Cyclone Gabrielle – Fact sheet [PDF, 1.4 MB]
Civil emergency advice for manufacturers under risk management and food safety programmes [DOCX, 793 KB]
Donations of food from commercial sources [PDF, 324 KB]
During an emergency: Minimise food and water spoilage [DOCX, 793 KB]
Reopening a food business after a power cut or civil emergency – Checklist [DOCX, 797 KB]
Simplified Chinese – Reopening a food business after an emergency – Checklist [DOCX, 794 KB]
Food safety guidance for preparing food for large groups during an emergency [DOCX, 794 KB]
Simplified Chinese – Food safety guidance on preparing food during an emergency [DOCX, 797 KB]
Korean – Tips for safe food during and after an emergency [DOCX, 794 KB]
What to do if your food business is without a gas supply [DOCX, 794 KB]