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Quantification and management of the risk of wind damage to New Zealand's planted forests
Study on global voluntary carbon market opportunities for New Zealand agriculture and forestry
New Zealand pastoral farmers and the mitigation of greenhouse gases in the agricultural sector
Carbon risk management strategies for forest owners in New Zealand
Carbon accounting: Forest growth rates and changing climates
Carbon accounting: Forestry accounting options
Impact of the ETS on forest management
Managing New Zealand planted forests for carbon: A review of selected management scenarios and identification of knowledge gaps
Life cycle assessment: Adopting and adapting overseas LCA data and methodologies for building materials in New Zealand
Forest and forest land valuation: How to value forests and forest land to include carbon costs and benefits
Voluntary greenhouse gas reporting - Feasibility study
Four Degrees of Global Warming-Summary
Four Degrees of Global Warming-Appendices
Four Degrees of Global Warming
Climate change and biocontrol systems
Possible impacts of climate change on biocontrol systems in New Zealand