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Report on negative N2O fluxes
Substitution of lucerne silage by increasing levels of maize silage or maize grain results in a quadratic response in methane emissions from sheep
Novel methane assessment in ruminants
Nitrous oxide emissions during maize cropping
Improving production efficiency as a strategy to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions on pastoral dairy farms in New Zealand
Implications of alternative metrics to account for non-CO2 GHG emissions
Hotspot Areas of Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Pasture Grazed by Dairy Cows
GHG emissions from managed peat soils
Effect of temperature on dicyandiamide (DCD) longevity in pastoral soils under field conditions
Development of novel technologies to reduce agricultural methane emissions
Development of a novel biofilter cover to offset methane emissions from dairy effluent ponds: Final report
Developing better methods for culturing rumen bacteria
Detection of historical changes in pasture growth and attribution to climate change
Assessment of the GHG footprint of the low and high input dairy systems of the Canterbury P21 farmlet trial
A review of unpublished New Zealand trials examining diurnal variation and diet effects on faecal and urinary nitrogen concentrations in dairy cattle
The potential for using foliar carbon isotopic signature to screen drought tolerant radiate pine genotypes for dryland plantation forests in New Zealand