On this page:
- Treatment options
- Approved New Zealand treatment providers
- Offshore treatment providers
- Requirements for New Zealand treatment providers
Check treatment requirements
If you are importing or exporting goods you want to know how the MPI treatment programme works.
Treatment provider requirements [PDF, 905 KB]
For importers
Check treatment requirements for your product in the relevant import health standard.
Find the import health standard for your goods
Approved biosecurity treatments
For goods that need treatment on arrival for border clearance (for example, if insects were found on arrival), check MPI's treatment standard.
Treatment Requirement: Approved Biosecurity Treatments [PDF, 1.1 MB]
For exporters
Check treatment requirements in the relevant:
- importing country phytosanitary requirements (ICPR) for plant products
- overseas market access requirements for other products
For NZ treatment providers
Detailed information for treatment providers about treatment options (including methyl bromide and insecticide aerosols), treatment provider standards, and how to get approved as a treatment provider is on another web page.
Find information for treatment providers
Approved NZ treatment providers
If you need a treatment provider in New Zealand, they must be approved by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to treat:
- imported risk products on arrival
- products for export to meet destination country requirements.
Find MPI-approved NZ treatment providers [PDF, 223 KB]
Offshore treatment providers
Some targeted imported risk goods need to be treated before arrival in New Zealand to prevent the introduction of pathogens (causing diseases) and live pests. New Zealand requires that only registered treatment providers may be used to conduct offshore treatment of targeted risk goods. Where treatment is required, if break-bulk or containerised brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) risk goods (targeted for BMSB management) arrive at the New Zealand border without being treated, it is likely that they will not be allowed to be unloaded and they will be shipped out of New Zealand territory. Such actions will be at the importer’s expense.
However, MPI doesn't approve or require approved offshore treatment providers for all imported risk goods. It is recommended that you check whether your imported products require an approved offshore treatment in the relevant import health standard. It is advisable to use a recommended National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO) treatment provider, where possible.
Offshore Treatment Providers – DAFF (agriculture.gov.au)
Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) treatment
MPI and the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) introduced the joint Offshore BMSB Treatment Providers' Scheme (the scheme) in the 2018-2019 season, which was replaced by AusTreat in 2024. This treatments scheme covers countries that export risk goods to Australia and New Zealand.
The scheme sets out the minimum registration and compliance requirements for approved treatment providers that do BMSB treatments. BMSB treatments cover targeted goods going to Australia and/or New Zealand during the BMSB risk season.
The BMSB treatment rates between the 2 countries have also been aligned to make it easier for shippers, exporters, importers, and treatment providers to comply with the treatment requirements. Treatment providers who meet the AusTreat requirements will be added to the list of approved offshore BMSB treatment providers by DAFF (as the administrators). Registration in Australia is also valid and recognized in New Zealand.
Full details about the scheme including registration and re-registration forms, and approved treatment providers are on the Australian Department's website.
AusTreat pre-border biosecurity treatment provider scheme – DAFF (agriculture.gov.au)
Offshore BMSB Treatment Providers and of 2019-20 season wrap up – Newsletter [PDF, 520 KB]
Approved offshore BMSB treatment providers
The approved offshore BMSB treatment provider list does not include treatment providers in Australia or New Zealand. This is because New Zealand bound goods are not permitted to be treated for BMSB in Australia on the way to New Zealand, and vice versa. Treatments can be carried out at other tranship ports if unable to be performed at origin.
Treatment providers on the below list are registered under AusTreat and have demonstrated their capacity to conduct BMSB treatments for the BMSB risk season. The list will be updated as required and providers can be suspended or withdrawn, so check before ordering a treatment.
The approved provider will be able to treat any relevant cargo with the treatment they are approved for.
You may notice the look and feel of the offshore approved treatment providers website has changed (from 2023) – but there are no changes in import requirements for BMSB. You can now search by location and treatment types under the "list of treatment providers".
Approved treatment types for BMSB remain the same as per the Approved Biosecurity Treatments Standard.
Use the “Who to contact” section below if you have any questions.
Offshore Treatment Providers - DAFF (agriculture.gov.au)
Treatment providers need to reregister
Treatment providers that were registered under the scheme during the previous BMSB season must complete a renewal application every 3 years to be included on the approved list of treatment providers. Generally, the list will be updated between August and September each year.
Consignment suitability
Treatment options may vary according to the consignment type (suitable for BMSB overwintering) and the packing of a consignment (packed so that heat or fumigation treatment is effective).
Consignment preparation for treatment [PDF, 1 MB]
Specific treatment requirements for each treatment option are:
Heat [PDF, 889 KB]
Methyl bromide [PDF, 1 MB]
Sulfuryl fluoride [PDF, 1 MB]
Insecticide treatment for water and aircraft (New Zealand only)
Consignment Preparation
The sets out the minimum requirements for performing insecticide treatments on watercraft and aircraft and/or associated packaging imported as cargo for BMSB purposes as per the Approved Biosecurity Treatments Standard VCE1e.
BMSB Consignment Suitability for Insecticide Application [PDF, 199 KB]
Insecticide applicators should use the below template for BMSB insecticide treatment certification and records.
Insecticide Treatment Certificate for BMSB sample [PDF, 90 KB]
Standards and documents for biosecurity treatments
Treatments applied for biosecurity purposes are part of measures used in managing the risk of introduction of exotic pests and diseases. These treatments are only effective when conducted correctly.
It is important that all treatment providers understand and follow the requirements to effectively treat consignments for import into New Zealand.
Our standards outlining best practice methodologies for applying biosecurity treatments are available below.