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Pear (Pyrus communis) from the United States of America - State of Washington - Fresh Fruit/Vegetables - Import Health Standard
Pears, Pyrus sp. from the People's Republic of China - Fresh Fruit/Vegetables - Import Health Standard
Peas (Pisum sativum) from Fiji - Fresh Fruit/Vegetables - Import Health Standard
Peas including sugar snap and snowpeas (Pisum sativum) from South Africa - Fresh Fruit/Vegetables - Import Health Standard
Peas including sugar snap and snowpeas (Pisum sativum) from Zimbabwe - Fresh Fruit/Vegetables - Import Health Standard
Procedures for the Management of Regulated Spiders Associated with the Importation of California Table Grapes (Vitis Vinifera)
Squash (Cucurbita maxima) from Vanuatu - Fresh Fruit/Vegetables - Import Health Standard
Squash and Butternut from Tonga - Import Health Standard
Stored Plant Products for Human Consumption (SPP.HUMAN.IHS) – Import Health Standard
Sweet Corn (Zea mays) from South Africa - Fresh Fruit/Vegetables - Import Health Standard
Sweet Corn (Zea mays) from Vanuatu - Fresh Fruit/Vegetables - Import Health Standard
Sweetcorn including Babycorn (Zea mays) from Zimbabwe - Fresh Fruit/Vegetables - Import Health Standard
Table Grapes (Vitis vinifera) from Mexico - Fresh Fruit/Vegetables - Import Health Standard
Table Grapes (Vitis vinifera) from Peru - Fresh Fruit/Vegetables - Import Health Standard
Table Grapes (Vitis vinifera) from the People's Republic of China – Fresh Fruit/Vegetables – Import Health Standard
Table Grapes (Vitis vinifera) from the Republic of Korea – Fresh Fruit/Vegetables – Import Health Standard