- Approval to Import and/or Distribute Hormonal Growth Promotants (HGPs) [DOCX, 604 KB]
- Approval to Import and Sell Incorrectly Labelled Veterinary Medicines [DOC, 374 KB]
- Application to Import in Special Circumstances [DOC, 770 KB]
- Biosecurity summary of information provided form [DOCX, 2.2 MB]
- Biosecurity approval of imported ACVMs guideline [DOCX, 84 KB]
- Products regulated under the ACVM Act Guideline [PDF, 465 KB]
- Class determinations and self-determinations under the ACVM Act 1997
- Declaration: Imported Product Not To Be Sold or Used as an Agricultural Compound [DOCX, 74 KB]
- Declaration for Importation of Veterinary Medicines for Use Only on Accompanied Animals [DOCX, 296 KB]
For individuals
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