Video: The rules food importers must follow (1:25)
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[This video uses animated graphics to illustrate the words. The first scene shows a container ship on the sea arriving to New Zealand with a plane flying overhead.]
Narrator: "If you import food, beverages, or ingredients into New Zealand and you are going to sell that food, there are rules you need to follow."
[A yellow container is lowered by a crane and carried inside a New Zealand food safety checkpoint building.]
Narrator: "As a food importer, you need to keep consumers safe and follow the law."
[A green light flashes before an agent reviews the same container and approves it.]
Narrator: "You must register with New Zealand Food Safety as a food importer, or you can use an agent who is a registered food importer."
[The world map zooms in on New Zealand. Images of drinks, chocolate, fish, dietary supplements, and peanuts are shown in a green circle pointing to New Zealand.]
Narrator: "Before you can import the food into New Zealand, you must assess the food for safety and suitability."
[A zoomed-in image of a fish appears. Below it are images of 3 safety rules with check marks in a circle. The fish is in a blue package.]
Narrator: "Making sure the food is safe to eat, it is what it says it is, and you have all the right information so your retailer can correctly label it."
[A package is loaded onto a truck. The footage zooms out to show a boat and 2 trucks travelling.]
Narrator: "You need to keep imported food safe during storage and transportation, from the production site, to when you distribute and sell it in New Zealand."
[A handheld screen displays a history and images of the process selected with a green check mark next to each step.]
Narrator: "You need to keep good records for 4 years including your assessment and confirmation that the food is safe and suitable."
[A fish is shown on the ice, then the check mark turns into an orange exclamation mark. The image zooms out on the screen, and a red box appears in the lower-right corner, with the words 'Recall Plan'.]
Narrator: "You also need to have planned procedures in place to recall food in case something goes wrong and practice your recall plan annually."
[A shelf is shown with various food items on display. Above the shelf is the link to a website – The link appears in an orange box.]
Narrator: "Check the ‘importing food’ section of New Zealand Food Safety’s website to make sure you’re doing things correctly."
[Video ends. End of transcript.]